Monday, April 21, 2014

Good Friday - Faith and Friends



As is our annual tradition on Good Friday, we ventured into the city of Detroit for a fish fry, followed by the Good Friday vigil at a beautiful inner city parish. We had a lot of fun at an early lunch, which is traditional polish fare - fried perch or halibut, along with potato pancakes and pierogis.

After lunch we headed to church, all together, as a group. There is something very special about attending mass with good friends that are so special to us. This church's Good Friday vigil is very moving, with lovely and spiritual music and is well attended. It is a quiet time to reflect and show your faith, during those hours Jesus spent on the cross.

After mass, we made a few more stops at some of our favorite spots around the city. It was a lovely day filled with food, friends and most important, a celebration of our faith.

Happy Monday!



  1. What a wonderful tradition! I made homemade pirogi for Easter dinner:)


  2. What a fantastic way to celebrate!!

  3. Sounds like a great way to observe Good Friday!

  4. Your Good Friday sounds ideal, with friends, food and faith. The foods remind me of the Friday fish fries we enjoyed when growing up, in Wisconsin. I am happy to hear the mass was well attended.

  5. Faith, family, and friends is what life it is all about.

  6. What a wonderful tradition, Vicki!...:)JP


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