Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday




I did a little Easter and spring decorating at the end of last week, along with some spring cleaning. It feels good to freshen things up a little, sweep away the cobwebs and attack the dust. The spring sunshine streaming in my windows is very nice, but it also shows a little cleaning is in order, after the long winter. Soon, I will be able to open some windows and that will feel wonderful :-)



While I have been walking all winter, when the weather allowed, I can't say it has been my favorite activity. With all the snow, I haven't been able to walk the paths through the woods, but have been sticking to the streets in my neighborhood. I need a change of pace and a different view. Imagine my delight to see that the snow on the paths is beginning to melt and grass is visible on the sides. Soon, my puppy and I will be taking our old familiar routes though the woods, while nature changes from winter to spring all around.



This Sunday, a new season of Call The Midwife begins and I am looking forward to it so much. When we last left the midwives, the convent was closing and things were left unsettled. It is a wonderful show with well written characters and I think I enjoy it as much as I enjoy Downton Abbey.


Did anyone else receive the email from Amazon this week with news of a refund? It stems from a Kindle price fixing lawsuit against the publishing houses and the judgement went in favor of readers like us. I will happily enjoy my credit for Kindle books I order, as long as it lasts!


Happy Thursday!



  1. I have my springtime mojo in gear too . . . moving furniture, tweaking and dusting and out come some birdies and bunnies . . .

    Looks like you are getting some good melting days over there on the east side . . . I hope we can see some photos soon from your walks along the wood path.

  2. I seriously need to do some spring cleaning myself. Too many unfinished projects as well. It is supposed to rain her over the weekend, so hopefully I can force myself to tackle some of them.

  3. Vicki... I've never even heard of The Midwives! Is it on PBS?

  4. It sure will be nice to open those windows! Your tulips are so pretty!

  5. Yay, Vickie, for getting out and walking. This winter has run me down and I'm feeling it. Can't wait for Call the Midwives. Love that show. Yes, I got a refund. Happy, happy.


  6. It is so nice to see the days getting longer....lovely photos:)

  7. Whenever the temps go a degree or two above freezing I crack a couple of windows open to get rid of the stuffiness in here. The Kindle credit will be nice to have.

  8. I got a kindle credit. That was a nice surprise! I'm ready to walk in the woods again too. It's still so cold here, but I think warming up (relative term!) this weekend. At least the snow is melting. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Isn't it great to have good things like fresh air and credit for books?

  10. I never watched it....but it sounds good! ...:)JP

  11. Mollie and I have been walking our "no snow"route for the past several weeks,,Nice change..

  12. I love Call the Midwife!!! We bought the first two seasons on DVD to catch up so we'd be ready for season 3 to start. Also can't wait for The Paradise to come back!

    Enjoy the warming weather!

  13. I've been laid up this week with a pinched nerve in my back and have been watching Call the Midwife on Netflix. Didn't realize a new season started!! Perfect timing.

    Enjoy the weather!


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