Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday

The winter that never will end gave us another 8 inches of snow yesterday, with almost 2 foot drifts in some places in my driveway. I think at this point, we are all just shell shocked. We know it can snow in Michigan in March and even sometimes into April, but a winter of record breaking snow can wear one down. I read a funny quote that I think sums it up nicely - "in Michigan we move the snow to make way for more snow".

I'm a little late to the House of Cards bandwagon, but my daughter convinced me I should watch it and I am so glad I listened. It fascinates me in every way and the perfectly evil power couple in Frank and Claire Underwood is delicious to watch. I love the Washington D.C. setting, Claire's wardrobe, the political coverups and the journalists working to uncover the truth. It is reminiscent of a modern day All The President's Men.

St. Patrick's Day is Monday and I always try to make something festive. I am not a big fan of corned beef and in fact, last year made St. Patrick's Day Vegetables in the crock pot - cabbage, potatoes and carrots. This pin for Irish Stew, served over Mashed Potatoes looks delicious and something I may try this year.

I think a trip to Michaels is in my future. The creative bug is starting to come around, after a long hiatus from doing any sort of DIY projects. I have some ideas in mind, but will wander the aisles for even more inspiration. I also have a new sewing machine that I haven't touched and want to give it a try. I'm thinking I might try some cute, seasonal pillows for the Easter season.

Happy Thursday!


  1. The crafty bug has bitten of late as well. Think it might be cabin fever?

  2. This weather sure has been crazy this year. It was in the 70s for most of the week here, but the cold front came in last night and with it high winds and temps in the 30s! However, it is sunny and no snow/ I will gladly take it.
    That stew look so good, especially for a cold night.
    I too am ready to start crafting/painting again. I purchased my fabric for my kitchen drapes 2 months ago and really need to just sit down and get them done. Hoping next week once baby girl is back at school.

  3. We don't really do it up with traditional Irish festivities. But I like to cook something fun too This looks yummy!


  4. A friend of mine also recommended House of Cards, but we haven't started watching it yet. We plan to soon...if we ever get caught up on all our current shows!! Ha!

  5. In the middle of yesterday's snow storm my furnace packed it in. That is the straw that broke the camel's back. I need spring!

  6. the Mister and I have House of Cards on our "to watch" list. Good luck with the sewing!

  7. I have heard that from others as well and I'm sure it's on netflix...I'll have to check with the master of the remote

  8. March is a wearying month.
    I keep hearing how great that show is, but I have no time for any TV these days.

  9. I can't believe you were hit again!
    I think some creative time will fit the bill!
    I am making a NO MORE SNOW prediction!
    I hope I am not jinxing it . . .

  10. I haven't seen House of Cards, but it's on my list too. March is always a hard month I think, we're ready for spring, but it's not quite ready for us. Hoping there is no April snow this year! We've had that too, and I'm not a fan : )


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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