Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Shopping at Home Goods




We have experienced a couple of beautiful sunny days in the past week, that have brought everyone out of their winter hibernation and given us hope that spring is coming. This kind of change in the weather puts me in the mood to make changes around the house. Not big changes - just a few little touches in line with the changing seasons.



I had a gift card for Home Goods that I thought would be fun to use on one of those nice days. It was funny, but I think the whole area had the same idea because the store was full of people, filling their carts with springlike touches for their homes. The thing I like about Home Goods is that you can go without a clear idea of what you may want, wander the different aisles and come away with something beautiful.



I am always amazed at the reasonable price of the items too. With the gift card, I was able to purchase two fun pieces. The red lantern will update my mantel; a large piece necessary to give height and weight to the decor. And, another piece of white pottery will add interest to the white bowls in my kitchen collection. The flowers and scrolls are a good contrast to the rest of the items on the shelves.

A nice day, a shopping trip and beautiful finds for my home - sometimes it's the little things :-)


Linking with these friends

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

Jennifer Rizzo


  1. What nice pieces to revamp with! That lantern will add great height to your mantel. My closest Home Goods is and hour and a half away. But you're right, I always find something to add to my decor...and it's fun looking.

  2. They are lovely...I am a fan of white pottery too! Have a good week:)

  3. The best part of Gift Cards . . . using them! Fun gifts for you!

  4. Love Home Goods! Ours gets shopped so much the shelves are often bare! You bought some great pieces!

  5. I love Home Goods but there's not one within 90 miles so I don't get there often. They really do have good prices and you found some great items!

  6. Love what you picked up. Love Home Goods too. We are fortunate to have several in our area, the closest within walking distance.

  7. What great finds!! I walked through a Home Goods when we were out east. LOVED IT! I need to find one around us.

  8. White color jar looks very beautiful with it's wonderful carving...

  9. I love Home Goods and I always find great things there!...:)JP

  10. Love love love these and a Home goods just opened in our area. 5 minutes from my office...so tempting!


  11. Oh, you found some great pieces. I like them both...in fact I'd buy them both.

    I'm dying to go to HomeGoods but I'm saving my pennies for Canton. :)


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