Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Not a Typical Monday




Because of spring break, both of my daughters are home and we are taking advantage of the time. Last night we decided to go to the fairly new Cheesecake Factory for dinner, thinking that on a Monday night, the wait time would not be as bad. Since this is the first Cheesecake Factory in the area, it has been constantly busy, since it opened in the fall and we have been waiting to find the right time to go for a piece of that yummy cheesecake.



Luckily, we had all the time in the world, because we did have to wait, but it was definitely worth it. We had a wonderful time, laughing and talking all through dinner; catching up on life. And, you may be full from dinner and the huge portions served, but you don't go to The Cheesecake Factory without a piece of cheesecake to finish the night. We shared two pieces - raspberry lemon cream and chocolate tuxedo. Both were so delicious, but we all agreed the raspberry lemon flavor was our favorite.

Not our typical way to spend a Monday night and I'm thankful for the time we were able to spend together.

Happy Tuesday!



  1. Looks like a nice time. I don't know if the novelty of having the Cheesecake Factory here will ever wear off -- I've only been once. My daughter gets a slice "to go" now and then and the raspberry lemon is our favorite also.

  2. Sounds like a perfect Monday eve, being together, laughing, dinner and topping it all off with cheesecake . . . what a treat!

  3. I love Cheesecake's skinny menu!! That way I can order dessert!! Your girls are so precious. How wonderful that they have the same week off. My girls never do. Enjoy your week!!

  4. Yep...that raspberry lemon would be my pick!...:)JP

  5. Your daughters are so pretty! Happy to hear you are all enjoying Spring Break.

  6. What"delicious" fun! Hope the rest of Spring Break is just as fun.

  7. Love these times when the kids come home! I'm empty nesting too and treasure those moments. The Cheesecake Factory is awesome and their portions too huge! xo Nancy

  8. Oh I know how special these times with both your girls are. I look forward to those times myself. Hug B

  9. So glad you are enjoying your time with the girls. We love the Cheesecake factory (can't eat the cheesecake anymore, but they have a fantastic gluten free menu).

  10. With both the girls home why have a typical night? Looks like the three of you had a delicious time!

  11. They do have the best cheesecake! We always try to stop by when we are in the city, even if its to bring a piece home. Yours looks heavenly!

  12. We don't have Cheesecake Factories here in Canada, but I hear they are yummy.

    And isn't it wonderful that a simple dinner out turns into something special when the kids come home?

  13. Have a wonderful time with your two beautiful daughters home! Sounds like a perfect evening!

  14. Some things are worth the wait! So glad your daughters are visiting. Wonderful picture: )

  15. You can always count on at least an hour wait at our Cheesecake Factory. If you are smart you can spend that hour power walking through the mall and earn that piece of cheesecake! They are soooo good! Isn't it wonderful having the girls home!


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