Thursday, February 20, 2014

What I Am Reading



With winter weather in full force, there has been plenty of opportunity to curl up with a good book. I have found some interesting reads lately; both by well known authors and one I found by chance.


The Chaperone, by Laura Moriarty Is an interesting period piece of the 1920's in America, dealing with prohibition, women's rights and the vast differences between living in Kansas and New York. After I read this book, I found that the characters were based on real people; silent film star Louise Brooks and Clara, her thirty six year old chaperone. I especially enjoyed their train trip from Kansas to New York and all the wonder of seeing the big city for the first time.



I am an Anna Quindlen fan and was excited to read her new novel. This is the sorry of a sixty year old professional photographer who takes advantage of an opportunity to assess her life and stumbles on a new way of being. She moves to a cabin in a rural area and learns to be comfortable with both herself, nature and a quieter life. This is the story of a woman, who once famous, wonders who she is and what her life will look like moving forward. To me, this was a thought provoking novel, that stayed with me, long after I finished. It was a departure for Anna Quindlen - no huge catalyst that evokes change, but a quiet, steady introspection that comes with middle age.


I am currently reading Amy Tan's, The Valley of Amazement and am caught up in the world of Shanghi and the lavish lives of its famous courtesans. As always, women both strong willed and deeply flawed play a central role in this story of Violet, a girl abandoned by her mother and the life she is forced to endure. It reminds me of The Joy Luck Club, another favorite by this author.

Happy Reading!



  1. Thanks for sharing. I love Amy Tan. Will have to pick this one up.

  2. I love period pieces and historical fiction, so I might like that first one. Think I'll check it out! Thanks for telling us about it.

  3. I loved Joy Luck Club and am happy to hear about Amy Tan's book -- I've been out of the fiction network this year -- but I'll pick that one up for sure. Thanks!

  4. I read The Chaperone last winter and I really loved it. I thought it was so well-written. I didn't know Anna Quindlen had a new novel out. I adore her writing, both fiction and non-fiction. I'm going to see if the library has that one yet. Thanks for the reviews!

  5. I am in the mood for a new book . . . I think I will choose the Quindlen . . .

  6. I just finished Anna Quindlan's book. I really enjoyed it. I have read most of her books.

  7. It is so ironic, I just finished a fantastic book last night and was lamenting the fact that I did not have another one ready to go! I will get The Chaperone on my iPad! Thanks. BTW the book I finished may be the best novel I have ever read or close to it. It is called The Book Thief

  8. JUST this afternoon, I was trying to find new books for my kindle for some beach reading!! You never fail me with your ideas. Gonna download the Quinlan book right now.
    Sure wish we lived closer together...seems like we have much in common!!

  9. Done!! Sounds like I may a lot in common with the subject matter of this book too! Heheheh!

  10. Some great choices. My book club is planning to read the Anna Quindlen book.

  11. Thanks for the book recs...I've been reading a lot this winter too. I really liked Orphan Train, and both my book clubs are reading The Husbands Secret this month, which I also liked. It will make for interesting discussion I think. I just started Ordinary Grace which is one a book reviewer told me last year was her favorite thing she read. I have the Amy Tan book on my list too.


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