Monday, February 10, 2014

Spartan Pride




There are times when I know that my daughter is surrounded by the right people. This weekend proved to me that I am right to be proud of what Melissa is learning from being part of a collegiate team. They came in 2nd place in the Collegiate Pom Championships this weekend, by performing a flawless routine that could have won on any other day. But, that's the thing about competition. You sometimes have to perform, not for only the win, but for the pride in knowing you came together as a team and did your best.

This is how I know her fellow teammates and coaches have the right priorities. By the way these girls handled the loss, with only class. There was no crying, just pride that they had the chance to perform on that Spartan head, on their home floor. Pride that they did their best to represent the green and white uniform they wear.

The arena was quiet at the end of the day, with most of the teams and spectators long gone. As I waited with some other parents to talk to the girls or take them to dinner, we suddenly heard a loud rendition of the MSU fight song from down on the arena floor. They were showing their Spartan pride, but more importantly they were showing what kind of daughters we all were lucky to have. Winning with grace is easy; it's when things don't go your way that the true colors come out. These girls proved they are champions in life.

Happy Monday!



  1. Congratulations to her, and the team. 2nd place is quite impressive. But yes, even more so when they take it in stride with their heads held high. Class/Grace always wins in my book!!!

  2. Congrats! As a mom nothing makes us happier knowing they are in the right place surrounded by the right people!

  3. Loved this post! I hope my eight year old is as fortunate one day to participate in something like this as well as have the fellowship and comraderie with her teammates. Congrats on winning 2nd place! That's quite a feat!

  4. How wonderful that you know your daughter is on a team that does not just take pride in a place, but rather coming together to do their best as a team. Congrats to you both!!!

  5. How beautiful! I'm so glad you were able to be there to witness the competition and the incredible team spirit. This will be another one of those memories that will live on in your daughter's heart, and yours, forever.

  6. They should be very proud of themselves and what a great, mature group to have the right attitude.

  7. What a great story! Yes, it's good to remember that winning isn't everything - doing your very best is what counts. Kudos to your daughter and her team for their winning attitude!

  8. Congratulations to Melissa and her team. xo Laura

  9. Spartan pride!! Very well said!! We were feeling the same when we heard the fight song! This is from Stephanie's mom.

  10. Doesn't surprise me that she is "champion" status . . . great post Vicki . . .

  11. Congratulations to Melissa and the girls..


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