Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Garden Dreams and Plans





My garden is buried under a mound of snow, including the fresh six inches we received overnight. It seems a perfectly fitting day to be dreaming and planning for the additions that I would like to make to my perennial garden. Spring seems very far away on a day like today, where I need to bundle up and shovel my driveway once again, but in reality, it is getting closer and closer. I can dream of green shoots breaking through the ground and plan for those mornings I can wander with my garden scissors and cut a fresh bouquet.





My number one dream and plan is to add colorful flowers that will bloom freely and that I can cut for sweet and simple bouquets, all summer long. I plan to add both dahlias and zinnias in profusion. I had a problem with zinnias and bugs last year, but like any gardener will try again and hope things will be better in this new season of planting.



Sweet Peas


These sweet flowers would be perfect for cutting and I love the idea of building a willow stand for them to wind around. This would also help with another goal - adding height and interest amongst the flowers.


Herb Garden


Another plan is to add a herb garden, without taking a lot of space. I love this idea of using a small ladder and upcycled containers and placing it at the back of my flowers. Pretty and practical.


Chair Plant Stand


Wouldn't an old chair like this look lovely at the edge of my garden, doing double duty as a plant stand? I am drawn to this one because of the addition of the word "grow" painted at the top of the chair. It's the details that always speak to me.

These dreams and plans will get me through the next few weeks of winter and give me a focus for the spring planting to come.

Happy Tuesday!


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

House of Rose

Diana Rambles

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Serenity Now

Between Naps on the Porch

The Dedicated House

Cozy Little House

Kathe with an E

Life on Lakeshore Drive

Craftberry Bush

Live Laugh Rowe

A Delightsome Life

Cedar Hill Ranch

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

The Tablescaper

Jennifer Rizzo

DIY by Design

Common Ground

Coastal Charm




  1. What a refreshing set of photos! We also got another 6 inches over night and we're running out of places to put it. Staying inside and dreaming ahead to summer is the only mentally healthy thing to do!

  2. I am so ready to get back in our garden. I plan to add more cutting plants this year. I LOVE our herb garden. Needs some work this spring as we had to relocate things last year since we removed some trees and moved our fence. I had dahlias awhile back, sadly they got lost in all the re-landscape.

  3. Great garden inspiration! I am really looking forward to gardening this year.

  4. Such a tease you are . . . but I love color dreaming!

  5. Great post. I'm excited to see what blooms in my yard. Looks like a lot of hydrangeas which I am happy about!

  6. Beautiful! We are all so hungry for spring and the beauty that comes with it! That dahlia looks like honeycomb, doesn't it. sigh. Let's keep dreaming and looking at the seed catalogs. :-)

  7. Your garden will be well insulated covered on snow,...:)JP

  8. I'm dreaming too! Just posted pictures of my daylilies beginning to poke up out of the ground.

    I have lots of seeds from my hyacinth bean vine. If you would like to have some just let me know. Here's a link to what they look like:

  9. I'm feeling the same way!!! I'm patiently waiting to start seeds for the veggie garden

  10. Just look what you have to look forward to..

  11. I'm also anticipating getting out in to the garden again, purchased Nasturtium and Sweet Pea seeds a few days ago. Still too much of a chance of frost to plant yet. Love the step ladder planter idea especially the tin cans~~~

  12. I'm with you! In fact today in between doing little things around the house I've got catalogs out and I'm looking at Dahlias! I had trouble with zinnias getting powdery mildew as well as dahlias so I'm a little gun shy, but I had them in pots so this time I'm going to put them in the ground and make sure they have good air circualtion.
    It's warmish today (39) but we are awaiting this next round of weather that may or not get to us. Freezing rain- bad!
    Come on spring!

  13. I so enjoyed the photos of all the blooms - I have little shoots peeking up in anticipation of spring.

  14. Vicki I'm visiting from Rooted in Thyme. Your dreams of your Spring garden sound lovely.Lovely pics and the ideas are really nice too.

  15. Dreaming of the garden always gets me through the cold winter. Sweat Peas are one of my favorites. And zinnias are my all time favorite cutting flower. Looking forward to Spring!
    Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  16. These are such beautiful images. I can't wait. You reminded me how wonderful sweet peas are.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  17. You have me dreaming of spring! I am planning to plant peas in amongst my vines this year - Love sweet peas - one of my earliest memories are of the sweet peas in my grandmothers yard.

  18. My husband is the gardener in our house. I just sit back and enjoy the show! Good luck with your garden this year! Looking forward to seeing pictures!

  19. Beautiful inspiration! I am so ready for Spring! XO

  20. Last year I planted my herbs in large tin cans, painted in checks - Loved it so much I will do it again this year…and I also have a chair planter - my problem is remembering to water the plants!!

  21. I too am dreaming of my garden and have gotten a head start on it! Tomatoes and thyme are already sprouting in their little peat pots on top of my freezer. They will hang out under my grown lights a couple of weeks then head to the greenhouse. I love this time of year!


  22. Oh I am so ready to have some pretty flowers. These are all fabulous and I love the ladder too. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  23. Wonderful inspiring post, Vicki! I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,

  24. love your garden ideas, the ladder is just wonderful!

  25. Love everything! I'll be featuring you this week at Simple & Sweet Fridays.

  26. I love your garden ideas, Vicki! It’s nice to know that you’re planning to have herb plants on your garden. A small space won’t do any harm at all. Anyway, thanks for sharing your gardening plans. I hope you’ll be able to update us regarding the progress of this project in the future. :)

    Darrell Gardner


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