Friday, February 28, 2014

Cabin Fever




The last day in February and another day with below zero temperatures and snow in the forecast. This is when the cabin fever begins to set in. I don't mind being home, in fact, winter can be cozy, sitting in front of the fire with a hot drink or a glass of wine, while the elements rage outside. It's just that we have had too many of those days for it to be fun anymore. I at least need to be able to get out and walk my dog and there have been too many days this winter where that wasn't even possible. Too much ice and just too cold.

So what's a girl to do? Besides being extremely patient that in March we will see some temperatures that will finally melt our deep snow cover, there are a few things I can do to keep my cabin fever at bay.

First even though we still have snow in the forecast, my snowmen and let it snow decor will be put away today, for a more springlike feel. I made a trip to Homegoods recently, used a gift card I had from Christmas and bought some things to change my mantel decor. All the items that have been packed away since the fall will make a reappearance. I think of it as my regular decor and it just feels less cluttered.

Speaking of clutter, it is time to start moving out the clutter that has accumulated over the year. Lent starts next week and I will be doing the 40 bags in 40 days challenge again. After last year's challenge I know how this clears my home, as well as my mind.

Finally, if I can't be in the warm weather, I can still dream about it. I'll keep making my gardening plans, keep following my Detroit Tigers photos of palm trees at spring training and enjoy all the signs of spring in other blog posts. Your pictures of daffodils already blooming, give me hope that under all this snow, spring really does await.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. As a fellow Michigander...I completely understand! I had the letters S-N-O-W on my mantle.... I took down the S and the W and it now says "NO"!!! (I should have stayed in Florida last week...wish I could have!) Go Tigers!

  2. brrrrr, so sorry it's so cold there.
    Everyone is waiting and watching for SPRING and warmer days.

  3. Sweet pup! I think everyone's making garden plans. We're sick to death of winter! :-)

  4. -6 when I went to bed last night.
    10 degrees when I peeked at 5:30 this morning
    -5 when I actually climbed out of bed at almost 7:00
    -3 a bit later.
    0 right now at almost 9:30

    Now why it jumped to ten degrees there for a bit I will never figure out. I looked 2-3 times to make sure my sleepy eyes were seeing the temp correctly.

    It is what it is . . . one crazy, wild winter of 2013-14,

  5. My dogs sure have cabin fever too! They don't venture far from the front door. My Cubbys are at spring training in Arizona. The Chicago sports reporters look so happy being there!

  6. Same Sophie can barely handle going out for minutes at a time. I'm so ready for Spring...I think today I'm going to buy some flowers just to cheer this house up. Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

  7. This weather has been crazy! We are in Texas visiting #2. Gonna be 77 tmrw, but 40 on Monday!

  8. Mollie and I were out for over an hour this wind..she's nuts but we both prefer this to hot...

  9. Your little dog is a cutie! Hang in there with the weather - spring is coming!

  10. very cute picture, Vicki. I know what you mean about the snow. While we don't have any at the moment and the sun is out, it is 14 degrees and snow is coming again on Sunday. I just got back from San Diego so that was a nice reprieve!

  11. I think your on the right might not be saying spring outside...but, you sure can coax your decor into saying it!!! I think the comment from Formerly Known As Frau fits the bill...we all should buy ourselves some fresh flowers.

  12. 40 bags in 40 days sounds like an awesome challenge!

  13. 40 bags in 40 days???? Thanks for paying it forward, Vicki!...:)JP

  14. Your little dog is so cute. I hope it won't be too long before you can get out and go for a walk with him/her. I think I started getting spring fever way back the middle of January. Maybe if I try the 40 bags in 40 days, I will get motivated and have a much cleaner house by the time spring arrives.

  15. I know what you mean about not walking the dog. My poor pup has been housebound too much this winter. We got him in November, so the poor guy thinks the world is white
    Love the Lenten challenge. May just have to do that too. Certainly a lot better than giving up chocolate - lol.

  16. I am so with you, Vicki! The charm of being all snug inside has lost its charm. Bring on spring!

  17. 40 bags in 40 days - great idea!

    Yep it's headed our way we go again!


  18. Well, I hope you get some Springtime weather soon! Our weather has been pretty nice and I am enjoying it so much! 40 bags sounds like a great clean-out! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  19. I love the 40 bags idea. I think I'll join you. I've been thinking that it's time to go through the house again and declutter - it's been 3 years since we moved in. My bags may not all be giant trash bags, but I will declutter one area, cabinet or cupboard each day. Thanks for the idea.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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