Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wicked and Frozen



Ever since I first heard Idina Menzel sing Defying Gravity, I have been slightly obsessed with her voice. I could listen to her sing anything, anytime. Her voice is so unique and powerful and she was meant to play that role in Wicked and sing that song. I have seen Wicked stage three times and will most likely see it again when it plays at a theatre close to me.

Which leads me to the Disney movie Frozen. I didn't pay too much attention to it when it came out, because while it looked cute, my girls are grown and my days of princess movies are over for now. Or so I thought :-)

When I discovered that Idina Menzel was the voice of Elsa in Frozen, I was curious. But, curious enough to see a animated princess movie? My daughter Melissa was home for the long weekend and we decided to go and see if it was as good as the reviews were saying.

As I said, I haven't watched a Disney princess movie in years, though I definitely had my fill of Ariel, Belle, Pocahontas and all the others over the years. I thought it would be entertaining and a fun way to spend time with Melissa.

It was a really good movie and the voice performances were great. I loved the spunky characters and the story of sisterly love. And, the song Let It Go, is sung beautifully by Idina Menzel and very deserving of its Oscar nomination. I was very struck with its similar theme to Defying Gravity and the emotional impact of a girl finally being able to accept who she is.

Melissa may have been the oldest daughter with her mother in the movie theater, but we were perfectly happy reliving our Disney princess days - and enjoying the voice I love so much.



  1. I well remember all the princess movies. We have never been to a live theatre production but really want to see Phantom of The Opera.

  2. I watched Frozen with my little Granddaughter and I REALLY enjoyed it:) Sweet times in the theater, a bucket of popcorn and a good movie... with someone you love is perfect to me:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. We love Frozen - my boys & my daughter. I enjoyed it just as much as them, if not more. Let it Go is surely one of the reasons we loved it. We came home and watched the YouTube video a bunch of times & eventually bought the entire soundtrack.

  4. I saw it, too and loved it! Although my kids are teens, I can still convince them at 13 and 16! My daughter liked it so much she put the soundtrack on her playlist from iTunes. I also liked that the story wasn't too typical and had a few twists! Don't know what I'll do when my kids stop wanting to go -- probably go myself or wait for grand kids!??

  5. LOVED seeing the movie with my daughter, Alise! She loved it so much we actually saw it twice! It will definitely become a Disney classic!

  6. Although I haven't seen it, my granddaughter loved it!...:)JP

  7. I love the song too. Haven't seen frozen yet, but my youngest has seen it twice since going back to school. She's 20!

  8. We were more into Peter Pan, Robin Hood and Mighty Ducks at our house. Maybe someday I'll have granddaughters:)


  9. I love her voice too!
    Have you heard her sing I Dreamed a Drem with the star from Glee?

    It is amazing.

    So glad to find your blog, and I am a new follower.

    Enjoyed visiting,
    White Spray Paint blog

  10. Oops!
    That should have said I Dreamed a Dream.

  11. "Let It Go" is such an inspiring song. And my three children, one tween girl and two boys all enjoyed the movie!

  12. I've been craving Beauty and the Beast lately.. I think that I need to plan a disney weekend movie night. I love Wicked ~ I'm not sure that I have ever heard her voice though. Maybe I'll put Frozen on my watch list.
    Have a great Thursday

  13. You're never to old to enjoy a good Disney movie. I remember using my younger brother and sister as an excuse to see one when I was a (much younger) adult. Now I can use my grandsons as an excuse to see things like Despicable Me.

  14. Having a daughter.. I've seen them all:) You just can't beat a Disney movie. They do such a wonderful job and I always find their movies also appeal to adults. .. and it seems I frequently end up with a tear in my eye! Now that my daughter is grown I'm out of the loop and did not know about this movie! I'm glad you got to see it:)


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