Monday, January 6, 2014

Top 3 Pinned Recipes



When you hit the publish button on a post, especially one with a recipe, it is always interesting which ones take on a life of their own and become popular on Pinterest. It definitely requires a good photo to catch interest, but I think the common factor is the simplicity of the recipe. That is why crock pot recipes are consistently popular with pinners. We are all looking for a quick easy way to get a delicious dinner on the table and these two crock pot recipes fit that description.

I was surprised that a recipe for homemade dog biscuits was so popular, but I probably shouldn't have been. It is obvious that we all love our pets and are looking for a healthy alternative to the treats at the pet store. And, if you can make cookies, you can make these fun dog biscuits.

Hope you enjoy revisiting these 3 recipes.


Crock Pot Spinach Tortellini Soup

Pumpkin Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

Crock Pot Chicken and Stuffing


Happy Monday! Stay warm - we are digging out of a huge snowstorm and the bitter cold temperatures are making this a memorable start to our winter :-)



  1. I think I am going to try the soup. Sounds great!

  2. Cold in GA this morning, but no snow. Your soup would be delicious in this winter weather. Harriet, our dachshund, would love the dog biscuits, too! Stay safe.

  3. That chicken and stuffing sure sounds good. xo Laura

  4. I am going to make those biscuits,...:)JP

  5. I might have to try those dog bones! Snickers would love them . . . We are trying to stay warm too! Lake affect snow all day, zero degrees!

  6. YUM:) Thanks for sharing these recipes! Have a blessed evening and a warm week:) HUGS!

  7. Vicki, I must have missed these! I've been busy and am just now catching up! I know the dog biscuits are a big hit as they are healthy and they make wonderful gifts for friends and family. And I agree on the crock pot recipes. My daughter has a blog she goes to and passes the best recipes on to me. I'm going to Pin yours. I really love one pot meals so I can freeze them, it cuts down on ordering out if I'm lazy! lol!

    Tell me your secret to photographing food. I've heard the photographers for magazines take their snaps before the food is fully cooked.


  8. Sounds wonderful Vicki! This is perfect comfort food. Stay warm:)

  9. They all look good..Biscuits for Mollie of course....I guess were all freezing with variable amounts of snow...-.6 this AM..Supposed to be close to 50 this weekend..Bring it on..


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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