Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday...downton, diabetes, etc.





Reading all the stories of the rough go of it from our friends in the south has been so interesting. It is hard for those of us in the northern states to understand how a little snow can shut things down so quickly and completely. We rarely let snow stop us from getting where we need to go. However, I realize they do not have salt trucks and plows which, of course, make all the difference. I did live in Memphis and do remember a few terrifying drives in the snow and ice, including sliding down a hill praying there were no cars at the bottom. Here is a great blog post of neighbors helping each other in Birmingham, Alabama that will both touch you and make you laugh.



There is a lot of talk on some Downton Abbey sites expressing thoughts that Mary and Tom should get together. I have to disagree. I think it would be totally against Mary's nature, even though she likes Tom and has softened somewhat in her rigid social beliefs. She is still Lady Mary, the first daughter of a prominent family and it is her duty to marry well. What are your thoughts on Mary and Tom as a couple?


We have plans to go to a good old fashioned, neighborhood Irish bar tomorrow night and I am looking forward to it. Just a casual evening with a burger and a beer or two sounds perfect on a cold Winter's night. Sometimes the simple things are really the best :-)


This is a week of Doctor's appointments for me which is always a little stressful. I have a follow up today at the ophthalmologist for the eye issue I had in May and then early next week is an appointment to see how my Diabetes control is going. I have a feeling based on my daily blood sugar numbers we will be adjusting my medication. The one thing about Diabetes is that it never stays the same for long.


Have a great day!



  1. Good luck Vicki! We own a medical device company that specializes in diabetes related products and nutritionals! We get it! Have a great day and enjoy the night out!!! laura

  2. I have a family full of diabetics. We, in the South, don't know how to handle the snow. We were seriously in a JAM in Atlanta. I can't wait to get out of the house later today. It is gonna be in the 60s this weekend, go figure:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Thanks for including the post about ice storm in Atlanta/Birmingham . . . Enjoyed reading her but happy I wasn't enduring it all!

    I say no to Mary and Tom. Let them remain friends . . . there is more "weaving" for each of them before this season ends.

    Good luck with your diabetes appointments and enjoy your burger and beer celebration!

  4. As another from the south, we be poor babies when any type of cold weather comes in!!! friend from WA sent me pics of their snow yesterday and I immediately asked if her kids got a snow day. With a tsk, tsk,,,she replied "Ha.....this isn't the south. It looks pretty but its really nothing for us"!!
    Just have to tell you how much I look forward to my mail everyday, hoping for a post from you!
    You make me laugh, make me think and make me realize how much we have in common! So nice to have someone else loving their "empty nest" time as much as I am!!!!

  5. Downton Abbey is an addiction that almost everyone I know has, including ME. My favorite character is Lady Grantham but I love everyone else too. I think a little closeness is OK for Mary and Tom but I agree they shouldn't me married. I just hope Tom doesn't move away and take the baby.

  6. Good luck with your appointments. Hope all goes well. A evening out for a burger on a Friday night sounds perfect. I am one of the few who have yet to watch Downton Abbey!

  7. I most definitely think they should get married - I think she desperately needs a " Tom " in her life - the times they are a changin' over at the Abbey - I think they'd make a great team actually :)
    Good luck with all the doctors visits !

  8. Good luck with your Doctors appt and enjoy your Date Night~

  9. Not Tom...maybe the new guy that seems interested..I forget his name..Good luck with your appointments..

  10. I am not venturing out as we still have a good bit of snow on the ground. The roads here are just fine though. Joe and I went out for lunch yesterday. I say Tom would not be happy with Mary. I hope your HgbAic is good.

  11. We had snow here in NC this time, no ice. A few years ago we experienced what the other places are experiencing now. It went from a little bit of snow on a warm ground that melted just as the temps dropped which made for nothing but one big sheet of ice. It took me four hours to go get my youngest daughter at school and get back home. Many had to spend the night there. My two oldest daughters were riding home with another parent because they were at another school and it took them five hours. It was awful and scary. Love the picture of the people sleeping in the lawn furniture at a Home Depot store that is floating around the internet. I would want to be iced in in a Pottery Barn. Their beds always look so comfy.

  12. I vote NO to Lady Mary and Tom! I agree with your reasons.

  13. No no no to Mary and Tom, they just don't fit. We're supposed to get 4-8" of snow tomorrow, so that may set me home for the day. I saw how they dealt with the snow in the south and was amazed, but like you said they weren't equipped.

    Hope that you are enjoying your healthy snack tonight.


  14. The only thing better than a burger and a beer at an Irish pub would be a burger, beer and Irish music at a pub! I agree that Lady Mary and Tom should not get together but I sure hope he doesn't move to America (aka leave the show). I absolutely HATE the Anna and Bates story line.
    Hope your doctor appointments went well!


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