Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday...breakfast, books, etc.



I remember when I used to skip breakfast, or even worse when I was younger, start my morning with a coke and a candy bar from the vending machine at work. It makes me cringe to think of it now. Especially since my diabetes diagnosis, I love a healthy, filling breakfast and that first cup of coffee. The perfect breakfast for me is 1 protein serving and 3 carb servings - 1 egg, 1 piece of toast, 1 serving of fruit and coffee with cream. Sometimes I need to change things up with a bowl of oatmeal or my favorite baked oatmeal with fruit. Especially on a cold winter's morning - there is nothing like a hot bowl of oatmeal with a touch of milk.

Sunday nights are television perfection with the return of Sherlock, now on PBS's schedule, immediately following Downton Abbey. I am riveted to my television for 2 1/2 hours with no commercial breaks. My daughter, Megan recommended that i watch Sherlock and I am so glad she did - what an amazing and intelligent show. I loved the season premiere and that the writer's still kept us guessing about Sherlock's fall from the rooftop.

Sue Monk Kidd, author of The Secret Life of Bees, which my book club loved, has a new book, The Invention of Wings. I wish I could highly recommend it, but for me it was a little tedious. I really didn't fall in love with the characters and found it a bit drawn out. The writing style is effective in that it switches from the point of view of a slave Handful and her master Sarah. If you liked The Kitchen House (which I didn't love) you would like this book - very similar.

A book I did love, Me Before You, by JoJo Moyes, and the book I picked for my book club to read will be discussed at our meeting tonight. I have my questions ready and look forward to seeing where our discussion leads us.


Happy Thursday!



  1. I started my morning with a bowl of oatmeal with a little brown sugar and some milk...we are having a cold day here in RVA but I'm sure not as cold as Michigan! Have a wonderful day and stay warm!

  2. Can't wait to hear about book club! I loved me before you! Best book I've read in a long time.

  3. My husband has diabetes and enjoy oatmeal on these cold mornings. Have fun at the book club meeting. I had not heard about Sherlock...thanks for mentioning it!

  4. I never skip breakfast either AND I remember the candy bar and soft drink for breakfast MANY years ago:) Now, I have a bagel or toast... but I have to have something after I am finished with my morning coffee! Enjoy your day dear friend and the book club tonight:)

  5. Tasty cakes and coke..That was my breakfast..Someone else told me I should watch Sherlock as well..Guess I'll have to change my habits..

  6. Oh the things we all used to do-
    sometimes I still struggle with making better choices.

    Enjoyed visiting and thank you for the book recommendations!


  7. Hi Vicki, Your oatmeal looks so good ~ one of my favorite breakfast choices! Thanks for the book review. I'm almost finished with mine.. and looking for something to start on. Happy Friday!

  8. My book club is reading that Kidd book in April! I haven't even heard of that other one....
    Ah, Sherlock and oatmeal, we have same taste!


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