Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pride and Prejudice - Downstairs



Pride and Prejudice still has the power to enthrall me, even after so many times read. Both the movie versions are excellent adaptations and I will always argue that Colin Firth is the better Mr. Darcy. In both the book and the movies, their home at Longbourn is mentioned and shown, but not necessarily a feature of the story.

The latest book I read, Longbourn, by Jo Baker is the story of the servants of Longbourn house and is a behind the scenes look at the story of Pride and Prejudice, as told from their point of view. It is so interesting to read this new story with the scenes from the novel as a backdrop. For example when Mr. Darcy first professes his love to Elizabeth and she turns him down, we are only shown Mr. Darcy storming out and Elizabeth crying behind a closed door. A central point in the novel, but a small occurrence from the servant's point of view.

This is the story of Mrs. Hill, the housekeeper (who is mentioned in the novel), Sarah, the housemaid and her love story with James Smith, the newly arrived footman. He has a backstory and a connection to the Bennets that changes the dull and everyday lives of all the servants.

I really enjoyed this book, more so for the fact that I loved a new look at the novel that I love so much.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. A new book on this cold day sounds wonderful:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. I am sure I would enjoy it. I shall look for it when I get through my stack of books.

  3. Sounds like an excellent read...I too love Pride and Prejudice and agree Colin Firth is my favorite Mr. Darcy! Will have to add it to my reading list!

  4. I had this book over the Christmas break from the library...but couldn't get to it in time. But I have put a request in for it again. Great review, I always love reading reviews by bloggers.


  5. The only time I see a good review of a new book anymore is from another blogger.Thanks for this.

  6. I'm so glad you did this review. I was considering buying it and didn't because I find sequels to P&P are usually disappointing. I'll pick it up now.

  7. Oh I must read this one for sure!!!


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