Friday, January 10, 2014

My 2014 List



A new year in front of me and as things return to day to day normalcy after the holidays, I like to think about the things ahead of me in this new year. Not really resolutions, but more like things to look forward to. Things that will get me through a long winter and the anticipation of a good year.

There are some updates to my home I want to accomplish this year. After updating my kitchen, I am motivated to tackle some other projects in 2014. My guest bathroom will be first on the list and I already have some ideas pinned. Then, my daughter's bathroom will have the wallpaper stripped and a fresh new coat of paint. I also plan on recovering my dining room chairs - I can't wait to pick out the fabric.

The Winter Olympics are something I look forward to watching, along with a new Detroit Tigers baseball season. I love watching baseball in the summer and will try to attend more games. There is nothing like being at a baseball park on a beautiful summer night.

One of my favorite authors and book series will have a new book published in June. Written In My Own Heart's Blood, the newest book by Diana Galbadon in the Outlander series is finally coming and I look forward to reading it, sitting in the sun, next to the pool. Sounds perfect on this January day!

This is an exciting year for my both of my daughters and I look forward to their successes. When they are happy, I am happy :-)

I look forward to the continued growth of this blog and a continued relationship with all of you. I enjoy the creativity writing brings to my life and the relationships I have built with those who read.

One of my goals is to entertain more, go out to dinner more - just socialize a little more. I tend to be a homebody, but would like to break out of that comfort zone.

This is not a complete list by any means, but it's a start and a way to bring focus to a new year. I am optimistic 2014 will be a good one and look forward to all that is coming. Life in my empty nest is good :-)

Have a great weekend!



  1. Good luck on your list, Vicki... sounds like a plan. Have a great weekend!

  2. I enjoyed reading your positives and plans . . . enjoy 2014 . . .

  3. Great list! I too would like to entertain more. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I am working through my list of 101 in 1001...some things are small, some not so small. We'll see how I do : ) Good luck with your list!

  5. Your year sounds perfect full of obtainable fun goals! Happy 2014

  6. This is a great varied list...I'm inspired to break my goals down a little bit more in detail like this. I agree with you on getting out more and entertaining more at home. So much of what I do is solitary or just with my close family...what happened to the good old dinner party?!!

    Happy Weekend!


  7. great goals for this new year Vicki! Have a great weekend

  8. Can't wait for the Olympics either!! 2014 is going to be a great year around here too as my daughter is getting married in September.

    Have a great one!

  9. Loved your list of goals, as it sounds very realistic and attainable!

  10. Such a beautifully simple list of goals for the year. Wishing you - and your daughters - a wonderful and successful year!

  11. Your list of goals for 2014 sounds fun and doable.

    I did not choose a word this year, but a phrase - The Year of the House - and most of our goals revolve around all the big and little projects we want/need to do.

    Enjoy 2014!


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