Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Morning



On this Thanksgiving morning, I am the first one up and my house is quiet. My table is ready, the turkey is defrosted and my first cup of coffee is in my favorite mug. Both of my daughters are home, sleeping upstairs and with that, all is right with the world.

My husband and I will prepare the stuffing soon, as is our tradition. The girls will wander downstairs for a little parade watching and a breakfast casserole to tide us all over until dinner is served. Our family will arrive in the early afternoon and the day of football, laughter and good food will begin.

There is much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!



  1. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family Vicki!

  2. Love BBC..Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  3. Sounds wonderful! Happy Thanksgiving, Vicki. Ann

  4. It is amazing how the house feels different when everyone is home and asleep in their beds. I love when my three daughters are all home.

  5. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving day with your family, it sounds fantastic!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  6. Your table looks beautiful, Vicki. Hope you had a great day!
    xo, Beth

  7. I hope your day was wonderful and relaxing . . . and I hope the weekend brings more fun times with your girls . . .Happy ending to Thanksgiving Day 2013 . . .

  8. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

  9. Sounds perfect to me:) Hugs to you and your dear family!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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