Friday, November 29, 2013

Jam Packed Days



Another Thanksgiving Day is over, the leftovers are in the refridgerator, and we will continue to pack as much fun into the weekend as we can. Having both girls home, makes for fun, but busy days. We plan on seeing Catching Fire later today and maybe braving the stores and doing a little shopping.

Our Black Friday tradition of going to Old Navy in the middle of the night to catch the opening of the store, did not happen last night, since they opened at 9:00. I barely have my dishes washed and company gone at that point. For us, the fun part, was the adventure of getting up in the middle of the night - it has now become like any other shopping day. We will just go today, on our own time. The sweaters and fuzzy socks will still be there and on sale :-)

We will enjoy as much family time as we can, the rest of the weekend. Melissa came home with a pile of laundry that needs to get done and the Christmas decorating needs to begin. All this will be accomplished to my favorite sound - my daughters laughing and talking together; happy to be home.

Enjoy your weekend!



  1. I call these . . . Life's Best Moments . . .

  2. I am right there with you! Soaking up all the time with the girls that I can. They are taking their annual Christmas pics later today. And, I just might talk them into decorating their gingerbread houses as well.

  3. Gorgeous girls! Enjoy your weekend with them:)
    ~Anne xx

  4. Nice photo of your daughters! Both my kids are home for the weekend, too. Isn't it great when our kids come home?

  5. Beautiful girls..Enjoy your weekend..

  6. What beautiful girls you have. You are so blessed to have them with you this weekend. xo Laura

  7. Your girls are so beautiful. Glad you are enjoying time together and that you had a great Thanksgiving.

  8. Sweet pictures! I love it that you are getting some precious time with the family! Enjoy!

  9. Great pics of your girls, Vicki! Sounds like you're having a great weekend!

  10. Sounds like the best of times - the laughter late into the night is the best. Glad that you are having a wonderful time!

  11. Save those memories as mental photos - they really are what makes life so good!


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