Friday, November 8, 2013

Fall Reading List



Some of my favorite authors, of all time, have books either out right now or coming out soon, during this fall reading season. I am always happy to have a list of books ready and waiting to download to my iPad and these will keep me reading throughout the next few months. If you haven't read the other books by these authors, I would recommend going back and giving their first bestsellers a try. All were phenomenal publishing successes and were wonderful reads. Hopefully the new offerings will be as good :-)


Still Life With Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen ( another book I love - Black and Blue)

The Valley of Amazement by Amy Tan (another book I love - The Joy Luck Club)

Stella Bain by Anita Shreve ( another book I love - The Pilot's Wife)

We Are Water by Wally Lamb ( another book I love - She's Come Undone)

Mad About The Boy by Helen Fielding (another book I love - Bridget Jones's Diary)

Have a great weekend filled with time to read a good book!


Linking with Kelly's Korner, Show Us Your Life



  1. These are good suggestions! This month our book club is reading "The Paris Wife", and I'm really enjoying it. We're also looking forward to reading "Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker" after that. Winter is such a great time to curl up with a good story!!

    1. Loved that book! Such a glimpse into another time...

  2. Hi Vicky, what a great book selection! I love all the authors and I would love to read the Amy Tan book. Take care and have a good weekend. Julie at

  3. Great suggestions. I have read many of their previous books and loved them all.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions. I am on the waiting list for the Wally Lamb book at the library. My list grows ever longer, but we are entering the time of year where I can snuggle down and read more. xo Laura

  5. The top four are all on my ipad waiting to be read - all favorite authors of mine as well. I read the new Bridget Jones - I finished it but found it a little tiresome. I wish I had more time to read!!

    Have a great weekend! xoxo

  6. I love Anna Quindlen and Anita Shreve. I've read most of their books. Thanks for the list.

  7. Thank you so much for the list, Vicki -- I read paper books, but am always looking for some new titles.

  8. Thanks for the suggestions Vicki, they each look wonderful! On my list which keeps growing, no way will I ever complete it!

  9. Great suggestions, Vicki. I'm always looking for that "next great book".

  10. thanks for the suggestions... our book club just finished reading orphan train, which I really liked... we meet tomorrow to have dinner and talk about it : )

  11. Wish I could find the time to sit down and read..It seems when I'm sitting, I'm on the computer...

  12. I also loved The Pilot's Wife and Black and Blue. Thanks for giving me more books to add to my Amazon wishlist! Although I find myself, like Missy, spending more time at the computer and too little time reading!

  13. I know--it is SHEER MADNESS with all the good stuff suddenly at a bookstore near me! I can hardly stand it! Lucky time for us readers.

  14. Great list, Vicki and I haven't read one of them... yeah... definitely great reads to look forward to!

  15. Love the list! Beautiful cover on Stella Bain:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!


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