Monday, November 18, 2013

Bunco and Girl's Night



It was a fun weekend, with my neighborhood Bunco group meeting Friday night and an impromptu girl's night on Saturday. My Bunco group was unable to meet in September or October, so it was really nice to finally get together with my neighbors and catch up on everything going on with their lives. I usually enjoy a glass or two of Chardonnay on Bunco nights, but our hostess made the most wonderful spiced cider, with red wine, that I couldn't resist. She was kind enough to give me the recipe to share.


Spiced Cider with Red Wine

2 quarts apple cider

1 1/2 quarts cranberry juice

1/4 cup brown sugar

4 cinnamon sticks

1 1/2 tsp whole cloves

Bring to a boil, then turn down heat and simmer. Add 3/4 bottle of red wine when ready to serve. Enjoy!


Saturday night I went to a friend's lovely and welcoming home for a fun night of wine and conversation. She had a delicious presentation of appetizers and snacks for us to enjoy. It was one of those perfect, impromptu evenings where there is a lot of laughter and the ease good friends, seated comfortably around the kitchen table.

A great way to recharge, relax and get ready for the busy week to come where I am hosting my book club and also getting ready for Thanksgiving :-)

Happy Monday!



  1. I have bunco tomorrow night! Always fun getting together with girlfriends.

  2. That sounds like a wonderful holiday drink!

  3. I have never played Bunco but it sounds like a fun way to get together with friends. :) I will have to try making that drink; it sounds delicious!

  4. Sounds like a fabulous weekend, you lucky girl. Thanks for the cider recipe.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend with Bunco and good friends . . . The food looks wonderful, I would like to know what is in the pastry roll? I hope your book club night is fun.

  6. Coming here to ask that exact same question....what's in the bread roll???!!!!

  7. Appetizers and wine around the kitchen table with friends is just about as good as it gets!

  8. This makes me want to start a neighborhood Bunk night. How many people do you need to play?


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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