Wednesday, November 27, 2013

BBC Dramas on Netflix



In between my Thanksgiving preparations, I have taken some time to watch a couple BBC series on Netflix and have been enjoying them so much. First, I watched the first two seasons of Call The Midwife and I put it on par with Downton Abbey. It is a fascinating and moving period drama, set at the end of the 1950's in the east end of London. The clothes of the period, and the music immerse you in the story of a group of young midwives, the nuns at the convent and the destitute people they serve. The stories are uplifting, real and there is also a little bit of romance. The characters are wonderfully written; both regular characters and guests.

My favorite character, by far, is Chummy. In fact she steals the show, in my opinion. Her awkwardness and kind heart are beautifully acted and I was drawn to her character in every scene. Her romance with a police constable is very touching and unexpected.

When the series returns for its next season, I will be watching.

After Call the Midwife, I moved on to Land Girls. This is an older BBC series, but of the same style. It is set in the English countryside, during WWII and tells the story of the city girls who do their part for the war, by working on a farm. The farm is attached to a manor house, so with the lord and lady of the manor, there are class distinctions portrayed, similar to those in Downton Abbey. It is a wonderful view of English village life during the war and the sacrifices being made by the women left behind. Though no longer in production, there are 3 seasons available on Netflix.

If you are missing Downton Abbey, both of these series are worth watching.

Busy day today for me, including an anniversary breakfast with my husband - hope yours is great!



  1. I've watched all episodes of Call the Midwife so far, did you know there is a Christmas special in December? I love that show, I read the three books too, they are very close to the series.

    I believe I saw Land Girls the other day at Costco, I plan to go back and buy it for a Christmas gift, on your recommendation!!

  2. Happy Happy Anniversary!! Hope you have a wonderful day together. Our TV is almost exclusively BBC movies (actually, all except for the morning news program. It seems there's nothing worth watching this side of the pond - IMHO.) I'm not a fan of Call the Midwife or Land Girls, but we love Downton Abbey and almost all the British mysteries. I've also heard that The Paradise is good. I've avoided it because I didn't really like Selfridges, but I'll have to give it a try. :-)

  3. My neighbor gal LOVES this show and I need to start watching it. It sounds delightful. Doesn't Masterpiece bring us the best TV?

  4. Bri and I both loved Call the Midwife and yes, Chummy is such a cutie. Will keep an eye out for Land Girls as this appeals to me too. I have Downton Abbey 1, 2 & 3 on DVD now but can't remember if I have watched all of S2 or not so might have to back track a bit... Goodness knows when I will find the time... (usually early Sunday mornings...).

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  5. I've watched them both and love them. Can't wait for the next season of Downton though!!

  6. I can't wait for Downton to that series!!! Happy Thanksgiving...:)JP

  7. If you get a chance to watch Paradise, it's excellent too! I love the Masterpiece shows. Murdoch, Paradise, Downton Abbey and so many others!


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