Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, baseball, etc.



  • These sweet girls, including my daughter Melissa (bottom row, left), on the MSU Pompon Team, wore pink to one of their practices this week, since October is breast cancer awareness month. They are a great group of girls, with an amazing coach, who helps brings many philanthropic efforts to their team.
  • My book club meets tonight and I look forward to discussing the book we read this month. Winter's Bone by Daniel Woodrell is a touching story of a very poor, young girl, left in charge of her family by a father who abandons them. Her subsequent search for him, leads her to interact with dangerous men in her tight knit and secretive Ozark community. Her strength and care for her young brothers and mentally ill mother are an interesting portrayal of someone so young. I am also interested in watching the movie, which looks very true to the tone of the book.
  • The Detroit Tigers won their game last night against the Boston Red Sox and the series is now tied 2-2. This city is caught up in watching their beloved baseball team and with all its recent financial troubles in the news, it is nice to have a collective happy event to cheer for. I hope by this time next week, the Tigers will be starting play in the World Series - I love baseball playoffs in the fall!
  • I have been very interested in the Outlander series that just began filming. It is based on Diana Galbadon's books - some of my very favorites and I was most interested in who would portray Jamie and Claire. I have to say I am happy with the choices. It is funny the mental picture you get in your head, while reading and when brought to life on the screen, it doesn't always match. These actors fit my picture.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Happy Thursday, Vicki! I too have been interested in the baseball playoffs. My grandson is a huge Cardinals fan and it is catching! I want to thank you for recommending Pumpkin spice coffee; I've purchased it and am sipping a cup right now. Have a good wknd!

  2. I know what you mean about pictures in your head and who they actually cast. I almost never have the picture of the person they choose. I know alot goes in to casting but sometimes I want to just say really don't you think so and so is perfect. Just get on that. LOL I've never read those books but I might have to check into them.
    Stopping by from the link up - Jenny

  3. The book sounds interesting...I will have to add to my "to read" list!

  4. I didn't realize they were finally filming The Outlander books. Although it's been years since I read them, I really enjoyed that series. I don't know who those actors are, but I think you're right about them "looking the part".

  5. Couldn't be more nervous about tonight's game. Go tigers! And I love the Pom Pom picture!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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