Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ten Questions



The talented, funny and sweet as she can be, Katie from the Preppy Empty Nester blog, was kind enough to mention my blog in her Sunshine Award. Her blog is one of my favorites, ( go visit her and say hi) so I was flattered and thought the questions she came up with for me to answer were fun and even made me think a little about my life.

Below are her questions and my answers - I hope you learn a few new things about me.

1. You ladies are all creative and talented. What was the biggest blooper that you made while decorating?

Too much wallpaper in my house. Why didn't I remember that while putting it up is fine, taking it down piece by little piece is maddening!

2. Which child is your favorite?

KIDDING!!!!!! Just wanted to make sure you were paying attention.

2. What is your favorite movie and song of all time?

My favorite movie of all time is Gone With The Wind - I just watched it again and it was so good.

My favorite song - the one I turn up the radio in the car to listen to when it comes on is Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls. I have seen them in concert several times too. Another song that is an all time favorite is Breath of Heaven - either the Amy Grant version or when it is sung at midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

3. If you wrote a memoir, what would the title be?

Living A Calm Life - that is my goal every day.

4. What has been one of your most embarrassing moments?

One time in college, I was golfing with my boyfriend (now husband) and two other friends, when I woke up to them standing over me as I was laying on the ground. I had fainted for no apparent reason, was lying there on the golf course with my bag next to me and they said they thought I decided to take a nap! So embarrassing at the time :-)

5. What is your biggest regret? I don't mind hearing juicy details.

I think as a parent, I wish I had not worried so much about things that seemed important at the time, but really weren't at all.

6. If you were awarded an all expenses paid vacation for two weeks where would you go? Don't get any ideas... this is not tied into a give away.

Definitely, Tuscany in Italy. I want to see the fields of sunflowers and sit and drink wine at a cafe on a sunny day.

7. How many homes have you lived in? Which one was your favorite?

3 growing up, 2 in Dallas, 2 in Memphis, 1 in New Jersey and 2 in Detroit = 10. I can't really decide on a favorite because I loved them all at the time and I loved each city we lived in too.

8. If you could sit next to any famous celebrity on a 5-hour flight, who would it be?

I would love to sit next to any of my favorite authors and since I am in the middle of reading The Outlander series for the 3rd time, I will pick Diana Galbadon. I could discuss the books I love for hours.

9. What would your friends say are your 3 best qualities?

Calm, trustworthy, creative.

10. Why do you blog?

I started my blog when I stopped working as an outlet and a way to give structure to my days. It has become so much more than that and I look forward to writing, creating and connecting with readers, every day.

Have a great day!



  1. Loved reading your answers Vicki! We all just might have to take an all girls trip to Italy!! LOL

  2. What a nice idea,Vicki..That had to take a lot of time and thought..

  3. Loved your answers and the 2nd question! I tell both of our sons that they are my favorite - they know that I tell them both:)

    I'll sit on the other side of Diana:)

  4. FANTABULOUS job Vicki!! I never realized you moved that much. I'm going to go and get The Outlander series ASAP because you have yet to steer me wrong. Thank you so much for participating. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Very interesting and revealing, Vicki. Thanks for sharing. And I know what you mean about trying to choose your favourite home - I've lived in over 20 and couldn't choose one!

  6. Vicki, I completely agree with your one regret. In the rearview mirror of motherhood, lots of the things we fussed over don't seem nearly as important as they once did! I also love reading about why you blog. I, too, love the structure (and creative challenge) that blogging brings. Great job answering Katie's questions!


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