Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My Mother's 80th Birthday



This past Saturday, we had the opportunity to celebrate my Mother's 80th birthday with a dinner at a restaurant in the town where they live. It was a lovely evening, attended by many family and friends. Her best friend from childhood was there, as well as her former golf partner of several years. Most of her grandchildren were able to attend and I will treasure this photo I was able to take of her, with my daughters.

80 years is something to cherish and something to celebrate. My Mother's health is good - she walks almost every day and she and my Father still live alone. For my mother, who doesn't like any kind of a fuss, this was just another birthday - the bonus for her was being surrounded by friends and family, especially her grandchildren. She really is the sweetest mother and grandmother anyone could have and we cherish her.

Have a great day today!



  1. Such a sweet photo. I am always in awe of those that age still getting around and living alone. My MIL turned 95 in August and until recently was still driving, Michigan snow and all!!

  2. Oh It looks and sounds wonderful.Your Mom is beautiful and having good health is wonderful. I also love my photos of my girls with their Grandmothers. I know how much that means to your girls too B

  3. WOW how great.
    You will have to have a special place for that picture.
    My mother turned 80 this year as well. We were all thrilled to be able to celebrate any milestone with her and still are celebrating. Each day is a gift. Last year my mother went through two aortic aneurysm dissections. Just 4 months prior to the first in Feb of 2012 my father had had a stroke (he is 85 now). I am happy to say that both are doing OK now. While things have been stressful--each day is a gift.

  4. You've got great genes, Vicki! Darling photo.

  5. Wow - such a great milestone! Happy birthday to your mother!

  6. Happy Birthday to your mother! Great photo of her and your girls!

  7. What a wonderful day for her and for you.

  8. What a blessing for your mother to have the love of her family and friends on this special day! Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday to your Mom. She is lovely and what a special photo of her with your daughters.

  10. That is very sweet. I remember my Nanas 80th birthday party. She had such a great time. That is so amazing that both your parents are together and still thriving and living alone! Happy you got to share the day:)

    Aesthetic Lounge

  11. Happy birthday to your mom what a great picture of your family!

  12. What a wonderful day to celebrate! Great pic! 80 is the new 40:) Have a blessed day dear Vicki, BIG HUGS!

  13. Happy Birthday to your mother. Your daughters are very pretty and your mom is just lovely. Wonderful picture!


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