Monday, October 21, 2013

Family Recipe - Beef Stew



This is a recipe that you make when you have some time on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Time to spend a few hours in the kitchen, adding ingredients and simmering the things in the pot slowly, for the best flavor. This recipe for Beef Stew has been handed down from my great grandmother's kitchen and brings back memories of my own mother's kitchen on a cool fall day - the memory of this beef stew simmering in a pot and smelling wonderful.

The recipe is easy - it just needs to be cooked slow. There are a few ingredients like lemon juice and sugar that seem different than the usual beef stew recipe, but they help add to the flavor of this one. Take a Sunday afternoon, like I did, take your time and make this filling and delicious recipe for your family - it will become a favorite family recipe that your family will pass along too :-)


Recipe for my Great Grandmother's Beef Stew

Heat 2 T oil in a large pot. Add 2 pounds cubed stew meat (I used sirloin) and brown on all sides. Keep turning the cubes - this should take about 20 minutes for the best flavor.

Next add 1 sliced and quartered medium onion, 1 T salt, 1 T lemon juice, 1 T sugar, 1 T Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 tsp. pepper, a dash of allspice and 4 cups very hot water. Cover and simmer (not boil) 2 hours, stirring now and then.

When the meat is tender, add the vegetables to the pot; 3 cups sliced carrots and 4 1/2 cups cubed potatoes. Simmer 30 to 45 minutes or until everything is tender.

To thicken broth - add 1 cup cold water and 1/4 cup flour to a covered plastic dish and shake well to blend. Bring meat and vegetables to a boil and add flour mixture, stirring well. Stir until gravy thickens and cook gently for a few minutes.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Jennifer Rizzo


Between Naps on the Porch

Gooseberry Patch

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Make Ahead Meals

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen



  1. Ha! My recipe is very similar. Love it! We had it for dinner on Friday night. :-)

  2. Looks great! Bet it helps the house smell great too!

  3. It's really cool this morning in Va. and I just wish I had some of that wonderful looking stew for lunch.

  4. We have it most Saturdays in Autumn/Winter and all the family love it:) Have a great week!

  5. I'm making beef stew tomorrow. Your recipe sounds wonderful, thank you for sharing. :)

  6. Sounds delicious! I usually make my beef stew in the crock pot. Would that work with your recipe? There's nothing better than walking into the house at the end of the day to the wonderful aroma of dinner all set and awaiting consumption!

  7. This couldn't be easier. Thanks for this. Haven't made stew in ages.

  8. Your recipe is the same exact recipe as my grandmother's recipe! Right down to thickening the broth into a gravy! I have that on my menu for this has finally cooled down here in Virginia!

  9. Love a good bowl of stew this time of year! Thanks for sharing.

  10. Sounds a bit like my mother's recipe . . . hers didn't have the lemon juice and sugar though. Thanks for the idea, sounds and looks wonderful.

  11. As our weather has dropped to highs in the forties and low fifties, this recipe will come in handy!

  12. Thanks for sharing Vicki..Always looking for a great stew recipe..

  13. Looks so good Vicki! I make lots of beef stew in the fall and winter.. it's the ultimate comfort food for us. Thanks for sharing your recipe:) I'm sure its wonderful and I'll try it! xxleslie


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