Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...signs of fall, coffee, etc.



  • My daily walks have been very enjoyable lately, with just a little fall crispness to the air. I also am enjoying seeing the early signs of fall - the occasional pretty leaf on the path, the yellow ragweed blooming next to the woods, or the changing colors of the trees against the blue sky. It is a beautiful time of year to just be outside.
  • What is is about a new coffee mug, filled with your favorite coffee, that creates such a cozy feeling in your day? My new fall mug, filled with pumpkin spice coffee and an extra serving of half and half, have been making me smile this week. There is nothing better than sitting outside, with a chill in the air and a hot mug of fresh coffee :-)
  • My Detroit Tigers finally clinched their American League Central Division last night, with a close 1-0 win. They have been in first place the entire season, but have not quite been able to put the wins together to clinch. No one was getting too nervous, but there is a big sigh of relief all around the Detroit area today. Fall=baseball playoff time!

  • Grey's Anatomy returns tonight with a two hour season premiere. You will find me in front of the television at 9:00, watching my favorite characters at Seattle Grace. Will the Chief live or die?

  • I could really use some book recommendations. I am not finding a whole lot out there in the past few weeks. I have even started a couple books and been unable to get through them, which is very unlike me. Has anyone read a good book lately? Please give me some ideas.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Wish I could help you with the books..I read VERY little but it's usually an Alex Cross/James Patterson novel.

  2. Loving the crisp cool mornings. Have finally started tackling the huge stack of books I have been meaning to read. Finally finished the Happiness Project and Happy at Home...good fall books to get you in an organization mood. Just start Gone Girl. I know everyone loved it, but it is starting off a little slow for me. A friend recommended The Language of Flowers. I usually love everything she picks, so I am excited to read that one. Our book club just read Weird Sisters (I didn't) and liked it. It got so so reviews. This month they picked Wild by Cheryl Strayed.

  3. The Chief CAN'T die. Can't wait to watch tonight. Have you read Winter Garden, Kristin Hannah?

  4. Totally described coffee in the fall with a new mug perfectly! and I love that mug!

  5. I'm slowly working through my stash of books. I have such a pile and not sure what you like but I tend to go for the paranormal so working on those now. I don't drink coffee but I do Hot Apple Cider in my Keurig and I had my first one of the season the other morning and it was oh so good.
    Stopping by from the link up - Jenny

  6. Pretty leaf! Now I'm off to make me a cup of coffee! Cute mug.

  7. I just ordered "The Language of Flowers" and "The Husbands Secrets." Have you read them? I'll let you know how they are. It's hard to top "You Before Me."

  8. Nothing better than a daily cup of coffee, I do enjoy one at night (decafe) sometimes as well. I have a stack of books on my nightstand I am working through, mostly Nora Roberts.

  9. I'm not buying any new books because I have to eliminate some of the stacks I have all over the house. The problem is, I have to reread them all before I let them go!

  10. I'm loving the cooler Fall weather, also. I understand your reading rut - I go through that often, but right now I seem to have a backlog of books to read. I just finished The Paris Wife and liked it. On deck are Budda in the Attic, Help for the Haunted, and The Dinner - but I can't say whether they're any good... Good luck!

  11. I am sitting with my favorite mug of hot coffee, AHHHHH:) Enjoy your day, it is really feeling like Fall! HUGS!

  12. I totally agree with you about a new mug! Makes the coffee taste better, somehow! I

  13. I like your new coffee mug . . . I am sure the coffee will be the best ever!

    Have you read any of Mary Alice Monroe's books . . . I have a few books waiting to be read, I will send some titles tomorrow. How was the recent JoJo Moyes book?


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