Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...DWTS, Fall Flowers, etc.



  • I bought my first mum of the season, after walking by the display for a couple of weeks. I like to buy the ones with the buds barely opened, so they will bloom a good long time. There is a fine line between buying mums too early, where the warm weather drys them out and forces the blooms and waiting until it is cooler and the garden center is picked over. I haven't figured it out yet!
  • This skywriting appeared in the bright blue sky at the MSU campus on Saturday. The story is that a U of M alumni paid $3000 to taunt their rival with this display. But, where the story gets better, is that the MSU Alumni Association decided to turn it into something good and challenged its members to match that $3000 by raising money for ovarian cancer research. Here is the story of how that happened and how $20,000 was raised.
  • This book, The Silent Wife, by A.S.A. Harrison is one that you can't put down and stays with you when you finish it. But, for me, it wasn't in a good way. The writing and plot are very clever and is reminiscent of Gone Girl. However, I found the psychological introspection and revelations very depressing and it left me in a bit of a funk. I love a good psychological thriller, but this one took things a little too far.


  • The new season of Dancing with the Stars started this week and from all I have read, it seems that people are liking this group of dancers. I very rarely watch the first few episodes, because I think there are too many dancers to keep it interesting and that the judges scores can be very random. But, maybe I will make an exception before next week's show and catch it on line. The Valerie Harper storyline is kind of amazing.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I bought some mums in hanging baskets for our front porch. I too always buy the ones with tons of unopened buds. Can't wait til they are in full bloom. Love the skywriting. Glad to hear it turned into such a huge fundraising event. That is awesome.

  2. I haven't bought mums yet but I have admired them several times:) I watch DWTS beginning to end! YES, it is a good Season! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  3. I just bought my first mum yesterday and it is the same color as yours!

  4. Beautiful flowers! Every time I go to the store I am so tempted to buy some mum's for my porch - they're so pretty :)


  5. The skywriting was so funny! My kids and I were driving into East Lansing, certain that it was going to spell "Go State" but then the plane made the letter "B"... There were people in their yards, pointing up at the sky. We even saw a police officer taking a picture with his phone! I'm glad it turned out to raise so much $$ for cancer research!! Go Green!! :)

  6. I have not ever been a mums person . . . maybe this year I will step out of my box! My mother always loved yellow mums in the fall . . .

    I guess I won't include The Silent Wife in my "to read" book list. Not in the mood for a funk!

  7. Spartans for the win! Why UM thought that would be a good idea is beyond me. It was just unclassy. It's not like we were even playing each other that day!

  8. I love mums but they don't matter what..They don't like their feet wet..Even if they're in the ground they don't last..especially if it rains..I buy "buds" as well.

  9. I agree with you about the first few episodes of DWTS. I missed the premier because we were in the middle of switching satellite companies and my DVR wasn't connected - but I'm sure I'll still be able to catch up. Valerie Harper sounds like a wonderful inspriation.


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