Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, 9/11



  • Twelve years later on September 12th, the beautiful Freedom Tower now stands tall and proud at Ground Zero. Every time I saw it in the skyline, on my recent trip to New York, it gave me chills. It just seems such a perfect symbol for the pride and strength of America and the people of New York.
  • The latest book by JoJo Moyes was recently released in the U.S., after becoming another best seller in England. You might remember, I have recommended her books in the past - The Last Letter From Your Lover and Me Before You. This book, The Girl You Left Behind, was also a very good read, and was similar to The Last Letter From Your Lover, in that it wove the past with the present in an effective manner. And, there is a surprising twist at the end, similar to the other books. I especially enjoyed the historical perspective of occupied France during WWI.


  • I was out doing some shopping yesterday, and fall is everywhere you look in the stores. Between that and the other blogs I read, I am already feeling behind. I still think I will stick to my usual plan and wait until October to decorate and buy my mums for outside. Since I leave everything up through Thanksgiving, I would get tired of the decorations, if I got them out now. Maybe I will work on a few new projects to put me in the fall spirit :-)


  • Tonight, I am doing something very special and will write about it tomorrow. My father is being honored by his high school football team for his accomplishments in the early 1950's. It will be a special night for him and for our family.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. How lovely that your father will be honored! Looking forward to hearing about it.

  2. 12 years ago was a very sad time for our country..Congrats to your Dad..

  3. Congratulations to your dad! I just started my fall decorating. I don't do much, but I am hosting our neighborhood bunco group next week and like to have a few festive things.

  4. What a special night that will be for your dad. Congratulations to him.

  5. The Freedom Tower is beautiful. Congrats to your Dad. B

  6. Vicki... I am reading the one You Before Me or something like that by Jo Jo Moyes at your suggestion. Loving every minute of it. I just have a problem remember book titles. Have a wonderful time tonight!

  7. I have that on my list of things I want to see with my own eyes! That beautiful building means so much to US! Can't wait to hear about your Dad! I haven't decorated for Fall yet either! It is just still too warm here:) Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  8. I will have to get her new book, I read Me Before You and The Last Letter from your Lover this week. I love JoJo Moyes' writing style . . . I was glued to each book!

    I am looking forward to seeing the Freedom Tower . . .

    Exciting news about your dad being honored . . .

  9. I feel behind too! Heck Christmas stuff is out some places. I need to step up my game!


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