Friday, September 20, 2013

September Book Club



There is always something special about the first time back to our book club, after a summer off. The hellos are a little more meaningful and the hugs are a little tighter, when we first greet each other. There is so much to catch up on; weddings, family events, new jobs and so much more, that the book we are discussing becomes incidental to the evening. And, what a beautiful evening it was. We started by sitting outside with our wine, before we moved inside for dinner and our book discussion.

Our hostess had our names, written with chalk, on our wine glasses; the perfect touch to make us feel welcome.

The table was decorated for fall and looked beautiful in the evening's fading light, with the glow of candlelight welcoming us, as we entered the dining room. At each place setting, was a frame reminding us to "keep calm and read a book". A perfect sentiment for any book club and a lovely touch to the night.

After a delicious dinner, and during dessert, our book discussion started and as always the insights, intelligence and humor of this amazing group of women makes me so thankful to be a member. But, it goes deeper than that. We have a bond of friendship - forged through these wide ranging discussions over the years.

So, another year of our book club begins, filled with laughter, joy and as always, friendship.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Oh this sounds so perfect stimulating conversation around a table of friends in a beautiful setting. Yes perfect:) B

  2. What a wonderful time to share with friends:) The glasses and frames are a perfect addition to an already perfect night! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. What a beautiful setting. I want to go and add chalkboard paint to my wine glasses. I missed our book club this month (and we will be out of town next). I love that you all sit down to dinner. I was in a group years ago that was very similar. Our new neighborhood group is somewhat of a disappointment. Half don't both to read the book, and come for social hour. And, the books they have picked have been questionable. I am hoping that will change as I miss discussing a good quality book with friends.

  4. This sounds fantastic. I loved the peek at your evening out with your book club. The table looks so pretty and inviting.

  5. What a wonderful way to celebrate back to the book club. The table setting looks so inviting. I would love to find a book club in my area! Have a great year of reading!

  6. Looks like a great party! Ours was cancelled this month. What book did you choose. Have a great weekend, Vicki.

  7. Looks and sounds like a wonderful night. What book did you review?

  8. What a perfect setting to talk about good books!

  9. As far as I know there are no clubs in my area, tho I LOVE to read. Your setting looks marvelous.

  10. Everything looks beautiful. We meet the week after next and of course, I need to get going on the book.

  11. What a wonderful group. You are blessed to have these friends. Wish I could find/organize a book club here, but tough to find others who are interested. Beautiful table, too. What book were you discussing?

  12. What a sweet night you had with your book pals!


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