Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Minestrone Soup



Fall weather has arrived - maybe a little too suddenly, since we went from air conditioning to having the furnace on for those chilly mornings, all in the space of a few days. Sunday was cool and rainy and one of those days, I love getting out my soup pot and trying a new recipe.

I had pinned this recipe for Minestrone Soup recently, and thought the ingredients looked delicious and healthy too. It was full of vegetable goodness and if you like a tomato based soup, you will love this one. I couldn't help but think, that I wish I had some homemade canned tomatoes in my pantry, but unfortunately I haven't canned in many years, so I had to make do with the ones from the grocery store :-)

We liked this soup a lot, but I would have made a couple changes to make it even better. I think it could have benefited from the addition of some type of of small pasta, like found in many minestrone recipes. Also, if I make this again, I would use only diced tomatoes, instead of a combination of diced and stewed. The larger pieces of tomatoes were a bit overwhelming in relation to the other vegetables in the pot.

It is fun to try the recipes found on Pinterest, and I hope my suggestions make this one even better. Have a great day!


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Between Naps on the Porch

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Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Make Ahead Meals

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen



  1. YUM, Yes, I would use diced tomatoes too! I had soup last night also:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Looks delicious! I love making soup this time of year.

  3. I love minestrone! Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Looks delicious..would be good on this cold day..

  5. Looks wonderful although not being a fan of tomatoes not sure if it would be one for me. But like I said . . . It looks wonderful!


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