Friday, September 6, 2013

Into the Woods



Our Labor Day weekend was spent in the woods of northern Michigan. It was beautiful, peaceful and gave us the opportunity to disconnect for a few days. We stayed at a cabin owned by our good friends, right on the quiet north branch of the Au Sable River and spent the days sitting on the dock, watching the river flow by. At night, you could find us next to the campfire, gazing at the millions of bright stars.

We ventured out a few times. Once to sit at a bar next to the river, sipping a few cocktails and enjoying a sunny afternoon. There has to be an amazing story about how these canoes ended up in this tree :-)

Another afternoon was spent canoeing on the crystal clear river, without a soul in sight, for the three hour trip. The only noise was from the birds singing and the trout jumping in the water. I wish I could have taken my camera, because the scenery around every bend of the river was truly amazing.

It was a weekend that we definitely needed, to relax and leave the stress of everyday life behind. Technology is great, but putting away the phone and Internet and listening to your thoughts is just what you need now and then. Our time in the woods was the perfect way to spend our holiday weekend.

Hope your weekend is great!


Linking with The Tablescaper, Oh The Places I've Been



  1. That is such a beautiful area. We have visited many times.

  2. Vicki
    I lived and raised our children in the U.P.
    The children grew up running around Au Sable Falls,
    learned to drive on H58, and swam in the bay.
    I'm glad when anyone can enjoy it's Nature in Abundance!!

  3. I SO need a weekend like that - it sounds heavenly - and what a beautiful spot to do it in!!!

  4. Sounds like my kind of trip. Even the canoeing part, which normally I would say no to.

  5. What a relaxing trip...Pretty scenery as well..

  6. Yep, a weekend in the woods does wonders for my attitude!

  7. What a nice getaway! I love the backyard, garden, and deck. Looks like a terrific place to relax!

  8. what a nice tour of this area, love all the greenery

    I'm inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?

  9. The solitude of the woods just can be beat. . .and no app can top that. Great getaway!

  10. What a beautiful spot for a 3 day weekend! It feels so good just to leave the real world behind for a few days.

  11. Looks like a beautiful area . . . and so important to treat ourselves with a getaway like this every once in awhile. Good for you Vicki . . .

  12. What a great getaway and I will bet you thought up lots of scenarios for those tree canoes. Ann

  13. It sounds like an ideal getaway. There's nothing like a little peace and solitude out there in "nature" to recharge the batteries!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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