Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Green and White Day



Friday was a beautiful, green and white day at our football tailgate. We arrived on MSU's campus in the afternoon, ready to set up our tent, tables and chairs for a relaxing few hours before that evening's kickoff. A thunderstorm during the game would put a damper on our night, but the afternoon was filled with fun, spending time with friends and visits from our favorite MSU students.

My friend and I in our favorite chairs, enjoying the first cocktail of the weekend.

Everyone in the group brings their share and we ended up with two tables full of yummy food. We love feeding our students, along with their roommates and friends, who stop by on their way to the stadium.

My husband with Melissa - a very proud Dad.

Rows and rows of cars, tents and Spartan fans, having a great time before the game.

Despite the thunderstorms during the first half of the football game, we enjoyed the first win of the season and had a wonderful day filled with all things green and white :-)

Happy Tuesday and Happy September!



  1. OH MY goodness, that sounds like a day full of fun! Enjoy your week dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Fun! Wish we lived near Katie and could tailgate. (however, I am sure she is glad we don't ;-)

  3. Looks like such a fun time. I remember tailgating at Bears Games. We had such delicious food.

  4. What fun, brings back some Michigan State games back in the late seventies! Adorable daughter/proud papa pic!

  5. The food looks great. Love the pic of Melissa and her dad.

  6. Looks like an awesome way to kick off college football season. Here in Canada, we really don't do this. But then we have hockey, hockey, hockey. (I know you do too, but it's not quite the same).

  7. Great pics! It's great that you are all supportive of the team. My son and daughter went to rival universities here in WA state (WSU and UW) so we always had fun with the bantering that went back and forth. My daughter also cheered for the Seahawks ~ lots of football this time of year!! Have fun!

  8. So much fun! Love the green and white M&Ms...I may copy that for our tailgates. I am excited for our first home game in a little over a week now! I will need that much time to get organized!!!


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