Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What I Am Reading Lately



While summer has been winding down, I have discovered a new author and I have been making my way through her books. They have been a great discovery and I have enjoyed all of them very much. The author, Liane Moriarty, writes unique books, filled with an interesting mix of humor and serious subjects like amnesia, infertility, past secrets and depression. Every book had its own brand of suspense that keeps you turning the pages to find out the conclusion.

I started with her latest; The Husband's Secret, and after I finished, I was caught up in her writing style and descriptions of modern day life in Sydney, Australia. Her characters are flawed, but always honest and live their lives with humor in the face of unusual circumstance.

Of all the books by this author, my favorite was The Last Anniversary, with its murder mystery undertones and its unique island setting. The most intriguing; What Alice Forgot, tells the story of a woman who wakes up from an accident believing that it is ten years earlier. How she deals with finding herself older and living a different life makes you both laugh and think of how your own life has changed in ten years and how you would feel in those circumstances.

Yesterday, I started The Whole Enchilada, the latest, by Diane Mott Davidson and am looking forward to catching up with caterer, Goldy Schultz. While running a successful catering business, she always manages to get tangled up in a murder investigation, that lends an element of danger, as well as humor, to her cooking. I love that the author provides recipes along with the story.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I will have to put these on my reading list

  2. Our book club read what Alice forgot. Loved it!!!

  3. They each sound good.. If I add one more book to my list I will never be creating posts, commenting, doing laundry, cooking foods, going to movies, entertaining ever again . . . (BUT, I will add them to the list anyway . . .). Thanks for the suggestions!

  4. I read "What Alice Forgot" and enjoyed it...I just picked up "The Hypnotist's Love Story" at the bookstore yesterday. Was it good?

    Thanks for the recommendations!

  5. I am about 10 books behind on Goldy, the Caterer. I need to work on catching up.

    I'm not familiar with Liane Moriarty, but the books look great. I'll look for them at the library.

  6. These all sound interesting. I'll have to keep them on my list to read.

  7. I'm not familiar with your first author - I think I'll have to look into her. I usd to love the Goldie series - I'm so far behind now, though - you're making me want to pick it back up.

  8. Oh my, those books look like great reading! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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