Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...movies, summertime, etc.



  • I am trying to appreciate every last bit of summer that I can, so I went to the pool yesterday. For me, it is such a wonderful opportunity to relax, that I will really miss it when it closes for the season, in just over one week. Sitting in that comfortable lounge chair, next to the blue, blue water is something I dream about, and long for, during the winter.
  • My salvia has finally started to flourish with the bright purple blossoms that I adore so much. I always plant a bunch in a sunny spot next to my driveway, in the front of the house and they love it there. However, this cooler than usual summer has held them back a little. The hot sun we've been having lately though, is just what they needed. Don't they look simple and sweet in a little crystal vase in my bedroom?
  • My thoughtful husband pointed out to me that Gone With the Wind was on television, without commercials, the other night and I was in the mood to watch it again. I'm sure like many of you, I have seen it more times than I can count. In fact, I was reading at the time and thought I would just have it on in the background and glance at it from time to time. Before long, my book was forgotten and I was caught up, once again, in the story of Scarlett, Rhett and the old south. The dialogue, the costumes and the characters never get old.


  • We found that we had a bee's nest in our basement last week and it was the scariest thing. I was in the basement and noticed one of the ceiling tiles, near a window, was falling. When I tried to push it back up, a swarm of bees appeared. I did get stung, but ran upstairs, put a towel in the door crack and called our bug service right away. Luckily, they came within a few hours and removed the nest. When they told me it was the size of a basketball and probably had 2000 bees, I felt a little weak in the knees. Crazy!

Enjoy your day :-)


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Wow! That bee nest inside the house is scary!

    It has been awhile since I have seen Gone With The Wind . . . I'll see if I can catch it here . . .

    Like your purple salvia . . . One of my daughters favorites . . .

  2. This Southern Girl LOVES some GWTW!!

  3. I wonder if I could find Gone with the wind on movies on demand on my satellite service? I'm loving the Salvia!!

  4. 2000 bees - and I thought 2 squirrels we bad LOL...............
    I just watched Gone with the Wind not too long ago also!
    AND Breakfast at Tiffany's ( my all time favorite !!! )

  5. Stopping in from the linkup and WOW bees. Ugh they are probably my least favorite bug. I would have flipped out. You did so good to have your right mind to get out and block them in.

  6. WOW!!! That bee thing sounds really scary!! Glad you are ok! Wish I had known GWTW was on... I love that movie. Have a great weekend.

  7. We watched Gone with the Wind here of my favorites!

  8. Our neighbor had one under the stoop in front of the house. He sealed the stoop with concrete and thought the bees would die, by not being able to come out. It only sent the bees through a tiny crack into their family room in the basement. They were angry bees and they had to leave while the exterminator did his thing. It was scarey indeed.
    Gone With the Wind is a favorite for me too. I love all the costumes.

  9. I missed GWTW but my Sister watched it:) I love that movie! Glad you got rid of the bees nest, pretty scary! Have a blessed and fun day dear friend, HUGS!

  10. THANK GOODNESS they got the bees out! That's a HUGE nest. Scary.

  11. Bees scare me to death! I would have fainted flat out if I found a nest that size in the house!


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