Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...gardening, reality tv, etc.

  • All of a sudden, my flowers are at that stage where the annuals are looking overgrown and straggly and the perennials need to be cut back. I guess that at least in the gardening world, fall is arriving. I'm sure if I go to the gardening center the mums will be for sale, ready for purchase and ready to add some fresh fall touches to my yard. My flowers have had a long, glorious run this summer, but I also look forward to those pretty mums. They are so affordable and give such a splash of color.
  • Speaking of fall coming, I bought some beautiful granny smith apples the other day and made one of my favorite baked oatmeal recipes - Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal. I enjoyed it for breakfast this morning and it tasted like a little piece of fall, with the apple and cinnamon flavors. It is such a healthy, yet delicious way to have my morning oatmeal.


  • I haven't mentioned the Real Housewives in a while, but I have been watching the Real Housewives of Orange County Reunion - all three parts. While I did enjoy the season, the reunion, especially the last installment with the Brooks and Vicki drama just all felt like too much information that could have remained private. I know these women sign up for these programs to show their lives, but there should be some boundaries when it comes to the family issues. I watch these shows to laugh and it wasn't funny; just a little sad.


  • Isn't texting a wonderful thing? When it comes to staying in touch with my daughters, it has become our everyday lifeline to each other. Maybe just to say hi, but it makes it easy and quick, when they are busy with class or work, to still make a connection. It makes me wonder how our parents survived the college years before cell phones and texting. I remember only calling home once a week, usually on Sundays, from the wall phone in our dorm room. Thank goodness for today's technology!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Your apple recipe looks incredibly tempting right now as I'm contemplating what to make for breakfast - everything in my fridge looks boring now!

  2. Yes, the mums are already out in the nurseries here. A bit hot here still however. Yes, not sure what parents did without texting. I have to laugh though, I think I talk more with our youngest when she is away at school. Here she is usually in and out so much! LOL

  3. Yes, texting is great. It took me awhile to get used to it. That's how our kids communicate with us, so I had to get to it. It's great now because we get a picture of our new little grandson every day via text and somedays we get little snippets of video. Your apple cinnamon looks delicious!!

  4. Just pinned that oatmeal recipe. Yum…love that it is an alternative to just a bowl of oatmeal, which I get tired of. I'm going to make that soon! As for texting, don't know how we ever lived without it!

  5. cinnamon baked oatmeal. When our apples are ripe, I must try!

  6. Hi!
    My flowers are are as you described. I gave some a hair cut because they were looking so shabby. All the stores are getting in the mums, but I like to wait just a bit longer to the ones I pick out will take me a little further. That apple cinnamon baked oatmeal looks too good!
    I love texting. Afer I finally got used to it, it was indispensible with the kids and college and beyond. I text with my sisters too and it keeps us in touch without the long phone calls.

  7. My flower gardens are looking a little sad these days, too, but I just can't buy those mums quite yet! I have started thinking about fall, though, and your apple oatmeal will be one I'll be making soon. Thanks so much for reposting it!! You are so right about texting our college-age kids! Just a quick text can really make me smile ... and I hope it makes them smile, too!! Enjoy your LONG weekend!

  8. We were disappointed with the reunion show as well. To much dirty laundry that didn't need to be aired. My kids tease me cause they never thought their mom would text!

  9. That oatmeal looks wonderful..I've heard people rave about it..never had baked oatmeal..I,too, love mums but they don't last very long..If they would at least last through fall....Oh well. my geraniums are still beautiful..


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