Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...books, empty nest, etc.




  • Whenever there is change, it takes me a while to get back in my groove. I am still feeling a bit melancholy over my daughter going back to college and the end of a fun summer. I am finding happiness in the little day to day things around me and will feel my usual contentment soon enough. This empty nest life is hard to get used to, as your children come and go.


  • I have been enjoying my daily walks with my cute little dog during these past few weeks of mild weather. I have even had to put on a jacket these past few days. How can you resist this face?
  • My latest and really the last flower to bloom in my perennial garden is this Sweet Coneflower. It grew amazingly tall this year and is bursting with these unique, pretty yellow flowers. I love the splash of color it brings this late in the season, as the other flowers are fading. Today, I will go cut some of the blooms for a bouquet to brighten up my kitchen.
  • Me Before You, by JoJo Moyes is one of the best books I have read in a long time. From the first chapter, the story grabs you and it is impossible to put down. It has a unique story and makes you think about the characters choices. Don't you love it when you stumble across a book that you can't imagine having never read, because it touched you in the way a good book can? And, I am happy to see this book will become a movie - these are characters I would love to see come alive on the screen.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. Beautiful flowers and cute little walking buddy:) I am gonna get that book, I haven't read it either! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. The flowers are gorgeous. I am hoping to plant some more perennials in our backyard next year. I too am thankful for my little buddies ( is not so little). They help keep things from feeling too quiet. I have a stack of books that need reading, but I will definitely add this one to the pile.

  3. Vicki- Oh my! My daughter is leaving for her sophomore year in college. Why does it seem harder this August, than last year? My husband is struggling with her leaving too. I think the realization she is closer to be out of the nest than still in it! Ugh! I just finished Me Before YOU and LOVED IT!!! Loved it! Now I need a new book! I couldn't put that one down! I couldn't help but picture Bridget Jone's parents to describe the girl's family dynamics! Blanking on her name already! xo xo stay in touch,

  4. I am reading a book you suggested earlier in the summer, "The Dry Grass of August." I finished "Me Before You" a few weeks ago and I didn't care for it, but I think it was the mood I was in at the time. I did like the ending, though.

  5. Your little buddy is so cute. I'm sure he is great company for you.
    I haven't read the book, but it sounds interesting. I'll have to check out the library.

  6. I have been needing a new book to read thanks for the recommendation. I send my daughter off this weekend and will miss her terribly but secretly am looking forward to a little piece of quiet. Bon fire until 2 am in back yard helped me concluded that today!

  7. I enjoy your book recommendations. Will be checking for this one at the library. Thanks Vicki!

  8. I was just reading about that book the other day in a magazine, it was recommended, I've read other books by that author that have been gone, I love it when you find a book that you just can't put down - I just finished one myself - The Light Between the Oceans - it was so good!

  9. Great quote! Happy Thursday, Vicki!

  10. I have heard how great that book is a lot. Definitely on my "gotta read" list. Know that melancholy feeling well... it's creeping up on me too!!

  11. Thank you for the book suggestion Vicki . . . another to add to my list. Empty Nest takes some adjustment time . . . more pleasant walks with that cute pup will bring some cheer to your days no doubt . . . I planted Cone Flower last year and it has been beautiful . . . mine is pink, I like your yellow!

  12. I haven't seen that perennial before. Very unusual. Empty nest started here today. She left for a golf trip and right on to school.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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