Friday, August 16, 2013

Nature Park



I am lucky to have many different paths to choose when I walk in my neighborhood, so it is not often I get in my car and drive to the park. But, I realized I had not been to the nature park, just a few miles away from my home, since last fall.

It was a beautiful, late summer afternoon to explore the different paths that circle the huge natural ponds. All the paths are surrounded by tall cat tails and to my surprise there were many different flowers growing along the way.

The ponds are filled with lilly pads and jumping frogs. There were some perfect white flowers on the lilly pads too - so pretty!

As my puppy and I followed the paths, it seemed we had the park to ourselves. The tall grasses and cat tails make it seem very secluded from the outside world and the busy road close by. One of the things I love about this park are the wooden bridges found throughout.

Sometimes just a simple walk in the park becomes so much more as you stop and notice the beauty around you. The blue sky peeking through the clouds, the lovely natural flowers next to the path and the reflection of the trees in the pond. A new day and a new look at the simple, yet beautiful things found during a daily walk.

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style and The Tablescaper, Oh The Places I've Been



  1. Gorgeous park! Have a wonderful weekend, Vicki!

  2. It looks so peaceful there.Beautiful pictures.
    I guess I'm being.. maybe overly cautious....being alone in a natural area sometimes isn't never know when bad things will happen.
    Just little ole fashioned me...Balisha

  3. What a wonderful place to walk..Mollie would love it..Great pictures..Love the water lilies..

  4. What a lovely walk. I like wooden bridges with roofs. :-)

  5. How calm and peaceful! Beautiful pictures!

  6. What a beautiful place to spend some quiet time!

  7. What a pretty park and so close too!...:)JP

  8. Love the natural beauty all around! Those lily pads are precious! Have a blessed weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  9. Very pretty and peaceful. Have a great weekend :)

  10. What a gorgeous place to visit, if I lived nearby I think I would be there often. And I love the wooden bridges.

    Living here, it's the country, and there is a definite lack of parks..but that's probably because there isn't as many people living here.


  11. Very pretty way to spend an afternoon or early evening. Love that covered bridge and the water lilies.

  12. How lovely Vicki. The waterfall is so pretty and I always enjoy lily pads:) Such a gorgeous spot!

  13. What a beautiful park, Vicki! I can't wait for it to get cool enough to go explore some of our parks, especially the Riparian Preserve that's close to us.

  14. I just read your pink chair post and I needed to hear what you had to say. Thank you! My youngest daughter is moving out to college tomorrow and we will officially be empty nesters. She is going to college in our town, like my oldest daughter, but even if they are close, they get busy with their life and it's not the same as having them here every day. As everyone has told will be an adjustment.

  15. Changing up the routine to see something new has a way of lifting our spirits doesn't it! Very nice place for a walk!

  16. I enjoyed seeing your nature park and where you walk. I especially love ponds with lily pads.


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