Thursday, August 8, 2013

Happy 20th



My youngest daughter, Melissa turns 20 today. A milestone birthday. No longer a teen and becoming such a lovely, young women.

She has the kindest, happiest personality and is such a fun person to be around. She is always smiling and ready to give an encouraging word when you need it. She has more friends than I can count.

She is a busy girl - involved in the many activities of her MSU Pompon Team, as well as working two jobs. This is in addition to being a great student, about to begin her junior year at college.

And, she has big dreams, with an interest in the fashion world that may take her to the big city someday. If anyone can accomplish what she sets out to do - she will be the one.

So, Happy Birthday to Melissa - born 20 years ago in New Jersey and the bright light of our family today!



  1. What a beautiful girl!!! With so much going for her!! Happy Birthday, Melissa!

  2. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter! She sounds like such a sweet and smart girl! Enjoy your birthday Melissa! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. Our youngest just turned 20, too! A milestone for them AND one for us!! Happy birthday, Melissa!

  4. Our youngest turned 22 this year..sigh.. Isn't it wonderful to watch our kids turn into adults? :) Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter!!

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter! She is beautiful...inside and out. Our youngest will be 20 next month. I was just telling my hubby the other day that I could not believe we will no longer be the parents of a teenager!!

  6. Such a nice post Vicki! Beautiful gal who is happy, with many friends and she sounds like she has goals, dreams and aspirations . . . Who could ask for more.

    Happy Birthday Melissa! Enjoy your day and have a wonderful year!

  7. Happy Birthday to your daughter, who seems beautiful both inside and out.

  8. Happy birthday to Melissa! She sounds like a wonderful young woman.

  9. Yes, definitely, A Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter ~ Congrats to Mom, too. Happy Weekend to you ~ carol, xo

  10. Happy Birthday to your pretty, talented, generous daughter! You've done good, Mom. Ann

  11. Happy birthday to Melissa! And congratulations to the proud mama for raising such a beautiful, accomplished young lady!

  12. She is lovely on the outside and the inside! Happy birthday to her and kudos to you for raising such a wonderful daughter!


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