Monday, July 29, 2013

NYC - Tourist Spots



Our trip to New York City last week is now a fond memory of fast paced activity and bright lights. Since I had only been there previously for quick in and out trips at Christmas time and my daughter was experiencing the city for her first time, we included many of the tourist spots on our itinerary.

Our first night's dinner was close to Park Avenue and the Helmsley Building looked so beautiful lit up and shining in the night sky.

We took a boat ride in the Hudson River to get close to the Statue of Liberty. It was an overcast day, but she still looked beautiful guarding the harbor.

The sight of the Freedom Tower rising so tall and brave in the skyline was wonderful to see.

The 911 Memorial is moving and a beautiful tribute to those lost on that fateful day.

Times Square is definitely the heart of the city and is constantly filled with people, taxis and bright lights. We had dinner there one night, but unfortunately did not have time on this trip to see a broadway play.

Rockefeller Center has a different feel in the summertime. I had only seen the area previously with the skating rink and Christmas tree, but in the summer, there are tables with umbrellas scattered around, right where people are ice skating in the winter months.

The skyline at dusk, seen from the observation deck on Rockefeller Center, was one of the most beautiful things I have seen. We were advised by our concierge to go here instead of the Empire State Building. That way we could see the Empire State Building and have it in our pictures - and it was stunning from that vantage point.

Next - Walking in Central Park and The Highline.

Happy Monday!



  1. Lovely photos! I would like to visit some day:)

  2. Looks like a great time. Lived there 10 years and never went to the Statue of Liberty. Crazy, I know!

  3. Since I spent a few days in NY back in May, I'm particularly loving reading about your visit as it brought back good memories. We did many of the same things including the walking the HighLine so can't wait to read your post about that. So fun to read about something I enjoyed through someone else's eyes!! One more great thing about blogging - I'd not have known about the HighLine had it not been recommended to me by a blog friend who lives in NYC.

  4. Hi Vicki, Such a wonderful visit you had! I'm looking forward to going back. I've so enjoyed your photos. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Looks like you are having a great time! Enjoy and keep us posted!

  6. Love your photos and visiting the city through you. You have stirred my interest . . . I must schedule a visit sometime soon!

  7. Your picture of the skyline at dusk is stunning! How wonderful of the concierge to give you the tip about Rockefeller Center! Looks like you had a great trip!

  8. Looks like a great trip, Vicki. And that was a great tip from the concierge - I never thought of the fact that you couldn't see the Empire State when you were standing on it (blonde moment here). Your pictures look gorgeous with the clouds in the skyline!

  9. Thanks for sharing New York, Vicki. Very nice photos!

  10. Great pictures..thanks for sharing..Looks like you took it all in..

  11. NYC is one of the places I've been that I will always remember so fondly. What a good tip to see the view from somewhere other than the Empire State Building. I look forward to seeing the rest of your trip, Vicki, your pictures bring back fun memories. I've been there both in winter weather and summer as well and it truly is a whole different feel. Ann

  12. Can't wait for my mother-daughter trip next week! We've been several times before, but never just the two of us.

  13. I call New York home but it was fun to see your pictures! What a fun trip for you both! :)


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