Wednesday, July 31, 2013

NYC - Central Park



On our first morning in New York City, after a quick coffee and muffin at a coffee shop near our hotel, we jumped in a cab and headed to Central Park. The plan was to wander around the park during the morning and then go to lunch at an interesting tea shop I had read about, in a neighborhood nearby.

This was my first time in Central Park and it was everything I thought it would be and more. If I lived in the city, it would be a place I would spend time in, taking advantage of the chance to be close to nature and the calm it brings. The urban planner that designed this space, so many years ago, created something unique and special.

We walked the pathways - this particular stretch is familiar from many movie locations.

We crossed some beautiful old bridges.

We (my sister and Melissa sitting here) sat for a bit to listen to some musicians play a few John Lennon songs near his memorial.

We were amazed at the beauty of the pathways and architecture - so many have enjoyed this lovely oasis throughout the years - we throughly enjoyed our morning spent in this beautiful setting :-)

Happy Wednesday!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style and The Tablescaper, Oh The Places I've Been



  1. You're in my neck of the woods : ) I'm enjoying your NYC posts. We live less than an hour from the city so we often load up the dog and just go walking in the park. One of my favorite places in the world! We stumble across some new little nook or cranny every time we're there, and of course there is no better place for people watching than Central Park!

  2. I haven't been there in years but really need to plan a trip:) Love your pictures and felt like I was right there too! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. Loved this Vicki . . . I must walk it too!

  4. How pretty. It has always amazed me how pretty the park is right in the middle of such a big city.

  5. I loved Central Park...we went on the carriage ride. I watched a special The Birds of Central Park on PBS and thought that ....there is a place where I would go often...if I lived in NY. I'm enjoying your trip too.

  6. Isn't it hard to believe that this beautiful park is in the midst of such a hectic crazy city? Hope you got to shop :-)

  7. I have always always wanted to go to NYC and just never have. Love this post and your pictures!

  8. Vicki, I have always had the same thought when going through or seeing a picture of Central Park. What great vision the city planners had to put such a wonderful green space in the middle of a bustling city. I feel the same way here in LA when I visit Griffith Park. Lovely pictures of the pretty bridges and walk ways. Ann

  9. It really is an oasis in the city. The first time I was in Central Park was at Christmastime - my then boyfriend hired a hansom cab and we rode around as a light snowfall fell on the city. It was literally magical! Shame he wasn't. :-)

  10. Love this! We get to NYC next Friday and are staying near Central Park our first night. We're planning to visit the Museum of Art, maybe go to the Central Park Zoo, and have a picnic in the park... picking up deli sandwiches, fruit, or something similar. My daughter is 10 and is beyond excited to have a girls only trip to NYC with her mom. ;) Your posts are getting me all geared up to hop on our plane.

  11. Central Park is a beautiful place and somehow even more so being right in the middle of the city.

    Great to have you at "Oh, the PLACES I've been!"

    - The Tablescaper


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