Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Blogging...One Year Later



Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my first blog post. And, I think I can safely say after one year, hitting that publish button was one of the best decisions I have ever made. People ask me all the time - how do you think of things to write? Surprisingly, it is not something I struggle with. There is always a new book to read, a new recipe to try and a new flower blooming in my garden. There are places to go with friends and time spent with my family. With the help of Pinterest, there are more DIY projects than there is time. I begin to write the blog posts in my head as I go about my day, so when I sit down with my iPad the words are already there.

But, it is the people that I have gotten to know through blogging that may be the most amazing part. Everyday I look forward to reading about your lives, your families and the things that make you happy. The same things that I try to write about. I try to make my blog a happy place and a pretty place. I like it to be peaceful and positive - a place where you feel welcome. Your comments make me smile.

I look back at my first post, and I still feel that it expresses who I am and what my goals for this blog were, when I started. Writing has been a rewarding process for me - focusing my thoughts and giving direction to my days. My life can be seen through the things I write about and the fact that so many of you now read daily, humbles me.

Thank you for reading and thank you for welcoming me to blogging during this past year. Your kindness, humor and positive thoughts make my days brighter.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Congrats Vicki! I look forward to reading your blog for many more years.

  2. Happy Blogivesary Vicki I loved your first post. I am happy I found you also. B

  3. I don't run out of ideas either. Happy Blogversary!

  4. Happy first Blog Anniversary . . . I am going to go back and read your first post . . . Unbelievable, one year and over 500 followers!

  5. Happy Blogiversary! Glad you hit the publish button, too.

  6. Happy anniversary!

  7. So glad you joined the blogging world. I've enjoyed following year and look forward to more i

  8. Happy anniversary, Vicki,
    I feel lilke I've "known" you for much longer than that. Your frequent posting keeps people interested. I've found many healthy recipes here and good books to read also.
    Looking forword to the next years.

  9. Congratulations, Vicki! I have enjoyed blogging too and it's been a pleasure to get to know you just a bit through your blog!
    xo Beth

  10. Happy One Year! I have enjoyed reading you since I joined blog land. I hope to keep reading you for many more years!

  11. Congratulations! I'm glad you get as much joy from your blog as your readers do. You really have made this a positive and peaceful place!

  12. Happy blogiversary! I know exactly what you mean about enjoying all the blogging connections and reading about others lives - that's what makes blogging fun for me. I'm impressed that you look back at your first post and feel it expresses your blog. I look back at mine and think "what in the world was my goal with this thing?" Oh well, it's a journey that I'm still figuring out.

  13. Congratulations, Vicki. Your blog is a wonderful reflection of you and your life. I too love the blogging connections I've made in the last couple years blogging. Some of these people have become real life friends. It's amazing!

  14. Congratulations!! It's good to hear you've found this journey so rewarding. I'm just starting out and enjoy reading your blog, as well as others, and learning about this whole process. It seems to not only be a great way to connect with others who have like interests, but also a record of your life and personal growth! Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to reading many more post!!

  15. I am certainly glad you began blogging. I enjoy each post you publish. The time flies - I can hardly believe I passed my third blogging anniversary in May.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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