Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...walking, books, etc.



  • One of the items on my garden wish list was to plant clematis near a trellis I already had. I am thrilled to see that it is blooming with these pretty, light blue flowers and starting to climb the trellis. There are more buds ready to open too. It is going to be fun to watch my newest addition grow.
  • We went to a wine tasting dinner at our club last night and both the food and wine were delicious. The wine maker from the vineyard was there to speak about the different wines we sampled and it is always interesting to hear the connection between the land and the taste of the wine. Our menu included tasting portions of mussels, shrimp, ribs, lamb chops and a yummy layered dessert of sponge cake with cream, chocolate and fresh berries.
  • When I see a book I want to read, I usually add it to my Amazon wish list. Sometimes I get to it right away and sometimes it seems to stay there, unread for a long time. The Rules of Civility by Amor Towles was a book I heard a lot of good things about, but for the longest time didn't have the motivation to read. I am glad I finally read this wonderful book that immerses you in Manhatten during the depression era. The dialogue is so intelligent and while the style of writing takes some time to get used to, I ended up finding it very engaging. Don't wait as long as I did to read this one.
  • I will be walking in a 5k on Friday night, for a family in our suburban community that suffered a terrible tragedy last year. Under the influence of the drugs, the oldest son murdered the father and severely beat the mother and another son. One other son and a young daughter managed to hide during the attack. The community will come together for the second year to raise funds to support the education and medical bills for this family. There will be a column of walkers and runners stretching for miles, with neighbors supporting and cheering us on. It is very uplifting and the sense of community will be strong.

Have a great day!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I loved Rules of Civility. I met the author at a book signing and he was charming.Just finished The Storyteller - you were right - Holocaust scenes were hard to read. What a sad story about that family in your community!

  2. I have Rules of Civility on my Kindle, but haven't read it yet. I have heard good things about it and your good recommendations encourages me to read it soon. I am so sorry for the family in your community, but what a wonderful thing you all are doing to help!!

  3. I need to put that book on "to read" list. I too had heard a lot of good things about it. What a tragic loss of life. So wonderful that the community is rallying around the family.

  4. That dessert looks amazing!

    And that is great about the 5K. I know that story and my heart still hurts for them.

  5. Oh my goodness, what a tragedy and yet wonderful community you live in.

    I do the same thing with my amazon list - and I'm pretty sure Rules of Civility has been on my list for quite some time. I guess it's time to bump it up on the list. Thanks for the recommendation.

  6. Thanks for the book recommendation, Vicki. I'm stuck at home recuperating from a broken ankle, so a good book is in order.

    Have a great weekend and good luck with the 5K.

  7. That book cover is stunning!
    My clematis is growing full throttle right now. So pretty.

  8. Rules of Civility.. I will need to get that one. I too have heard lots of great things about the book. I just ordered The Summer House on Amazon. It's nice to have options for purchase with regards to price and having the option to purchase used.

  9. I like your method of putting books to read on Amazon's Wish List. I have a bookmark on my Toolbar called "books to read." I find books to read online usually so it's pretty easy to just slide them into the bookmark!

  10. How sad for that family, yet how great that the community is so supportive of them. You live in a wonderful community. People are not always so caring when the tragedy results from these kinds of circumstances. I'd love to be able to help. Is there a PayPal connection that you know about?


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