Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...reality tv, cooking, etc.



  • Does anyone know what kind of bush this might be? It looks like some type of lilac, but it blooms later and the flowers don't have the same scent. This bush has never bloomed as much as it has this year and it is gorgeous. I just would like to know what it is!
  • Another book that has been around for a while that I finally read, is The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. I know it is a favorite for many book clubs, but we just never picked it for some reason. I did like it and it was an interesting and in depth view of plantation life. However, the constant sorrow and misery were a little too much throughout, even though there was hope in the end.


  • My daughters and I had a cooking lesson on Sunday and they learned to cook pot roast, mashed potatoes and gravy. It was a delicious dinner and we had a great time during the cooking process. I didn't realize how hard it would be to come up with step by step instructions for the old fashioned, basic recipes I have been cooking my whole life. They were asking me where I learned to make this meal and while I don't remember my mother teaching me, I must have learned by watching her. Now, I have passed this same knowledge to my daughters. I like the symmetry of that.


  • I haven't mentioned reality tv in a while, but I am still watching. The Real Housewives of New Jersey is back and it looks like more of the same. I'm not sure how I feel about using the autism diagnosis as a storyline on a crazy reality tv show. It just feels a little exploitative to the child. Also, there is not much I care to say about the latest Real Housewives of Orange County and the bachelorette trip to Mexico. Do they know they were on national television acting that way? It boggles the mind.


Have a happy Thursday - more rain for us!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I agree with you - I think the autism should remain out of camera view. RH gets crazier every day. How about Vicky in last week's RHOC? Absolutely no pride.

  2. I thought that the Mexico trip was one of the better episodes ... when vicky peed on tamras bed and the stripper scene had me cracking up. I used to be able to connect with a housewife on those shows.. now, they are all so mean and rich that I cant relate. Remember when the OC first stared, the ladies lived well...but weren't ober rich. Now, they all belong in Beverley hills. I agree with your thoughts of the autism on NJ. Its such a crazy platform. I love reality tv! One of my favorites is Big Brother... I shamelessly subscribe to the live feeds. My girls make fun of me for it! : )

    That Bush really does look like a lilac. Is it a young shrub? The cooking class sounds fun. U should find something like that for my girls and I.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. * I should find something..... lol.

  4. The bush is beautiful..Looks like I Lilac..Can't be sure..Sometimes different colors smell differently?

  5. That is a beautiful bush, but I can't tell you what it might be...


  6. I love your blog, is very beautiful and wonderful. Kisses from Spain.

    This is my blog:

  7. thank you for letting me know that the comments are working on my blog again. I don't like sad and depressing books either. My mother is always sending them my way...I don't watch much TV and the NJ housewives is way too over the top for me but I have a friend who loves it. She is from Jersey.

  8. My sister in law read this book and highly recommended it, I just have about 20 books I need to read before I can get to it!

    I love that you are having these cooking lessons with your daughter. I am self taught. In fact I often showed my mother how I made some dishes!

    My daughter Abby loves all of these shows. Sometimes I sit and watch bits and pieces with her while she fills me in on the ladies antics! :)


  9. I think the same thought entered my head while watching the OC HW this week, Vicki. It was crazy yuck! I actually think the autism storyline is somewhat redeeming for the NJ girls. I've always liked Jaclyn and if anything good can come out of the show to counteract some of the nastiness, then I say it's good. Love that you are passing down your recipes. I have so many in my head, I can relate to what you say about the step by step instructions. Ann

  10. Pretty sure I want to come over for one of your cooking lessons! I love that you are doing that with your daughters!

    And OMG, just OMG to those strippers. OMG.

    Thanks for linking up!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  11. What a fun time you must have had with your girls. :)
    Thanks for the book review. I haven't heard of this one. I'm not to much into realty TV... but I do love my Madmen! :)

    Have a great weekend! :)


  12. Hi Vicki

    The bush is a lilac but a different variety which name escapes me at the moment. I used to have one in a previous garden and was always perplexed by it's late blooming cycle. I think, maybe, it could be a "French lilac". Treat it like any other lilac and deadhead the flowers once they fade so that you get more next year. All the flowering shrubs seem to have had great seasons - I think it's cause we finally had a "real" winter with snow and rain in the spring.

    As for The Kitchen House - just finished it and really liked the perspective of the old South. It was sad. But I don't think life was happy back then for many people.

    Reality tv - I'll stick to the Kardashians for my fix. Can't even stand 10 minutes of those Real Housewives. "Real"? Really? Do people talk to each other like that in "real" life?

    Have a great weekend - any cooking lessons we can sign up for?


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