Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...fireworks, gardening, etc.



  • Pretty pink flowers - dianthus {starburst} - are new to my garden. Perfect for a sunny spot in the front of my perennials. This is the best time of the gardening season. Everything is ready to bloom and each day there is a new surprise to discover. I am gathering flower bouquets, every few days. They are mostly pretty leaves, flowering branches and wildflowers at this point, but in a week or so, my favorite daisies will be in bloom.
  • I just finished reading the blue cotton gown - a midwife's memoir by Patricia Harman and it was a really interesting read. Patsy Harman is a nurse practitioner - midwife in rural West Virginia. She recounts her stories of treating patients at the women's health practice she and her OB-GYN husband started together. They are former hippies who lived on various communes in the 60's and 70's and then went on to attend medical/nursing school. The state of our medical system is discussed, but in a practical, non-preachy way.
  • I am watching the new season of The Bachelorette, but finding it a little boring. I'm not sure that Desiree was a good choice to carry the show. She seems nervous, reserved and a little scripted. I don't see her picking any of the guys, but the spoilers say she will. Still, I do enjoy reading the recaps the next morning, especially the ones with a healthy dose of humor and snark. This is one of my favorites.


  • We have plans to see some 4th of July fireworks and I am so excited. We will be going to Greenfield Village, a historical setting in Dearborn, Michigan that features a pre- fireworks concert by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. We have attended this event for several years now and it is a lovely place to spend an evening with friends. We have survived a couple years of wicked storms, but hope for good weather this year.


  • Today seems like it will be a perfect pool day, for pretty much the first time this summer. I think I will pack up my beach bag with some good magazines and head there soon. An afternoon spent on a lounge chair, in the sun, sounds pretty wonderful.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. You are breaking my bank girl....I keep reading about these books and want to order them. I watched the "Call the Midwives" on PBS and loved it. I also have a friend who was a nurse practitioner/ the book really interests me. I'll try to find it at the library.
    Your 4th plans sound's hoping you luck out and have good weather.

  2. Beautiful flowers. Haven't been a fan of the Bachelorette. Enjoy your day at the pool.

  3. Gorgeous flowers. Today looks like a pool day here too. Finally!

  4. Aren't dianthus cheerful little things? I have them lining the front of my garden and I love the bright pop of pink! It was definitely a pool day here...but I sat at my desk working on spreadsheets all day long--boo! I hope you had a lovely day, Martha

  5. Happy Thursday to you too! I don't watch the Bachelorette but have heard similar reviews! Aren't the flowers gorgeous! I LOVE taking a stroll around the yard and coming in with a bouquet:) Have a blessed day dear friend, lounging sounds wonderful but a busy day here for me! HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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