Friday, June 7, 2013

Spending Time



When your college age children are home for the summer, they are usually busy. They have summer jobs, maybe a summer class and even a busy social life reconnecting with their friends. The key to spending time with them while they are home is to schedule things they like to do. Where they will put away the phone and really talk to you. Obviously, vacations are great for getting them away from distractions and reconnecting as a family, but finding a week for everyone to get away isn't always possible with part time jobs. One solution is a long weekend, so they only have to ask for a day or two off work.

Attending sporting events are always popular with this age group. Make a fun day of it and head to lunch or dinner at a restaurant near the ball park. We love going to the Comerica Park, in Detroit to see the Tigers. There is a barbeque restaurant that my daughters love and we make it a tradition to go there too.

One of our favorite things to do is go out for breakfast. It's usually quick and mornings are usually their free time. But don't make them get up too early! Offer a college age kid, pancakes, bacon and coffee and they will always say yes :-)

Another thing you can do right at home, that gets them engaged, is a cooking lesson - a great skill for them to learn as they begin to live on their own. I have been encouraging my girls to learn to cook some of their favorite recipes, so they know how to make them.

Or, have a bonfire at night, complete with marshmallows. Get them out of their room and away from the tv, by making it special and out of the ordinary.

Keep things fun, without pressure and you will make wonderful summer memories while they are home.

Have a great weekend!


Linking with Kelly's Korner - Show Us Your Life



  1. Oh I miss those days when the girls came hoe from school for the summer. I know exactly how exciting these times are for you. Enjoy. B

  2. What a fun time! I'll join you for baseball and barbecue.

  3. Aww... the time is so precious with the college kids. Great ideas, Vicki! I know I say it every time but your girls are darling!

  4. Great ideas . . . enjoy those beautiful girls! Soon they will be flying off to create their own nest . . .

  5. So glad you are enjoying time with your girls. Summer flys by so fast and they will be off and gone again!

  6. All great ideas Vicki! Our youngest loves to bake and cook, so we try to involve her in the meal planning during the months she is home as much as possible. We also encourage her to have her friends over and to have Bible study at our house. I love catching up with all of them, and hearing what they are currently doing. Have a fantastic weekend.

  7. These are great idea. Your daughters are both such pretty girls, are they twins?

  8. Spending time with adult children is very precious!! We find they're always willing to make time to go on vacation with us...especially when we're paying! Your good ideas would work for our family too.
    Mary Alice

  9. Very good and fun advice! I hope your summer is full of lots of fun activities!

  10. Your daughters are beautiful and these are all great ideas for getting the family together. Abby and I watch movies together and always love hitting the mall with lunch afterward. I've been pretty strict about her answering her phone when we are together and she respects that. I always make breakfast on weekends so that's another great time to connect.

    Enjoy summer with your terrific family! :)


  11. I know how hard it is to see the "kids"...ours all work, their husbands/wives work...they can't just take days off for get far, three out of four will be here for Father's Day...:)JP

  12. This is so sweet! Do you have an extra room? Sounds fun! :)

  13. And no smartphones at the table! It's so hard to get them put come together as a family, but your ideas will certainly help. Have fun with the girls as this time will go by so quickly.

  14. Wonderful post Vicki:) Enjoy your time with the kids.


  15. Vicki,

    I agree with all that you say in this post. Great ideas! Keeping connected with the adult "kids" is so important. Ann

  16. Good advice..Kids are sometimes more fun as adults..Enjoy your summer..

  17. This summer my son is spending as much time with his friends as he can before everyone heads off in different directions for college. We will be heading to the States in July and taking a road trip from New Orleans to Colorado where he will be attending college. Orientation is August 15-18 and then we drive away without him. Yikes! That is going to be very, very hard. :( Have a great summer with your beautiful girls! Tammy

  18. How fun and special to spend time with your beautiful girls!

  19. Oh what a sweet time spent with those you love! You are making memories that will last a lifetime:) Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!


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