Tuesday, June 4, 2013

One Minute Chocolate Cake in a Mug - Pinterest Success {21}




I saw this recipe for Chocolate Cake in a Mug on Pinterest and pinned it here to my Favorite Recipes board, thinking it would be perfect when I was craving just a little bite of chocolate. As I have said before, when you are a Diabetic, it is better to give into those cravings with low sugar, portion controlled desserts. This seemed perfect, since the portion was small and it could be made with Splenda.

My skepticism about Pinterest recipes that seem to good to be true, was unwarranted with this one. It was delicious, served warm and when I made it for my daughter Melissa, she loved it too. The best part - besides the yummy chocolate flavor - is that it only takes one minute in the microwave and it cooks to the perfect moist and fudgy consistency. It would also be delicious with a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream on top. I simply sprinkled the top with a light dusting of powdered sugar and that was perfect for me.

When you are craving chocolate - try this. I bet you have all the ingredients in your pantry right now :-)

Have a great day!


{Linking with these friends}

Gooseberry Patch

Lil Luna

Keep Calm and Carry On and Beautiful Mess

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Make Ahead Meals

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Back For Seconds

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Barns and Noodles

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style



  1. Thanks for sharing this! My hubby likes to have a little "treat" with his ice cream some nights. This would be perfect!

  2. This looks delish and so easy!!!Thanks for sharing!

  3. Yummy! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  4. I've seen this recipe before and now I know someone who tried it. I can just smell the chocolate..Balisha

  5. No way! That really is too good to be true!

  6. Yummy! Great dessert for a weeknight dinner with my honey.

  7. Love this idea! Perfect for those of us (me!) with portion control issues:)

    Hope your week is going well! xxleslie

  8. Yum! I have always seen this and wondered if it worked and was good! Perfect for when you NEED chocolate!

  9. Looks good. Will try this one. Thanks!


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