Monday, June 24, 2013

First Weekend of Summer



Summer weekends are about spending time outside, near a pool, just enjoying the beautiful weather and surroundings.

Friday started with a glass of wine, from the Sauvignon Blanc we purchased at a wine tasting. The perfect summertime wine - crisp, light and fruity. We enjoyed the evening at our friend's backyard pool, with good conversation that lasted into the candlelit night.

Saturday evening we attended two outdoor parties. First, a graduation open house in my neighborhood. We walked down the street to a lovely party under a tent, catching up with neighbors and were delighted to hear the news of a recent engagement.

Later, we took a quick car ride to my sister's mexican fiesta themed party at her lovely, picket fence, enclosed pool. We ate delicious fajitas and I enjoyed a refreshing cocktail that fit the party theme - a grapefruit, tangerine margarita. Very fun and different.

Our first weekend of summer was the perfect beginning to many opportunities to sit outside, relax and enjoy the beautiful weather with both friends and family. We will take advantage of every nice evening and every chance to enjoy outdoor entertaining.

Happy Monday!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing


  1. Sounds like a fun filled weekend.

  2. Bring on the summer outdoor fun with friends and family. Love the blue and red pool chairs . . . those look like the old fashioned comfy ones!

  3. Sounds like a fun-filled weekend:) OUTSIDE fun, pools and refreshing beverages... PERFECT! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Beautiful summer photos. I love Mexican food!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful way to start the summer!

  6. Oh the picket fenced pool is wonderful for an evening of fun. I too love those vintage lawn chairs. I've been swimming and looking forward for more.

  7. I want a Pool!!!! Jealous!!! The pictures are beautiful. Hope the rest of your summer is just as great as this weekend.!!!

  8. This looks like a beautiful way to spend the weekend! I love that relaxed summer feel.

  9. What a great way to start off the summer season!!! So fun!

  10. My favorite way to spend a summer evening too...a lovely backyard or patio, a glass of wine, and friends gathered around. Sounds perfect to me...enjoy your summer.

  11. Sounds like the perfect way to start of the season. We had a busy weekend too - a large birthday party for my mother's 80th, then family visiting from the east coast. But it was hot, almost too hot. And that's the one thign I don't like about summer.

  12. Looks like a perfect summer day! It's been raining here in Seattle.. :( Hopefully we will enjoy some sunshine later this week. Your pool looks so inviting! We had a pool when we lived in southern CA. Folks here in the PNW don't bother. They head to a local tennis/swim club and the pools are usually indoors. I miss the outside pool time!

    Enjoy your week!


  13. What a perfect setting..I envy you..I would love to be able to swim out of doors at will..Have to stay out of the sun...

  14. The pools look so refreshing and inviting. What a fun weekend for you!

  15. That was a wonderful full weekend - the pool, the parties, lovely refreshing wine............and hopefully no mosquitoes where you live!!

    Hope this weekend is fun too.

  16. Oh that all sounds lovely! I love those metal chairs. Blessings - Dawn

  17. This sounds like my kind of weekend!!

  18. This is the time of the year when I wish we had a pool! They look so inviting in this hot and humid weather.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  19. It sounds like a lovely start to the summer season.


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