Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Baked Blueberry Pancakes



Another rainy summer morning.

As I go around the house turning on lights to dispel the gloom, it seems the perfect morning for pancakes. But, I am alone and the thought of getting out the griddle just for me, seems silly. As I drink my first cup of tea, I quickly do a google search for something quicker and easier and found a recipe for Baked Blueberry Pancakes - sure sounds yummy to me :-)

They were very easy to put together, I had fresh blueberries in the fridge and the baking time was only 12 minutes. They were done and ready to eat before I had cleaned up and made a second cup of tea. Perfect for those mornings you want pancakes, without standing at the griddle. And, they tasted just like the griddle version - a little crispy on the outside, but light and fluffy in the middle.

Rainy mornings and pancakes - the perfect combination. Happy Tuesday!


Recipe for Baked Blueberry Pancakes

2 cups pancake mix

1 1/2 cups lowfat milk

1 egg

1 T oil

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup fresh blueberries

In a medium bowl, mix together pancake mix, egg, milk, oil and cinnamon. Mix until just blended (batter will be lumpy), then gently fold in blueberries.

Pour in buttered 9 X 13 pan and bake at 425 degrees for 12 minutes. Cut in squares to serve with butter and syrup.

Adapted from Taste of Home


{Linking with these friends}

Gooseberry Patch

Lil Luna

Sunny Simple Life (From The Farm)

Make Ahead Meals

Rattlebridge Farm

This Gal Cooks

Mom's Test Kitchen

Semi Homemade Mom

Barns and Noodles

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style




  1. Thank you for this recipe. We just picked fresh blackberries from our yard this a.m. I'll have to try this recipe.

    Wishing you a nice day.

  2. Sounds yummy. Our blueberries are ready for picking!

  3. This sounds really good and easy. I will have to try them.

  4. This sounds really good! Thanks for the recipe.

  5. It's almost blueberry time here and this will be a great way to use them. Thanks!

  6. Sounds positively delish!!! Wish you could send some rain to Texas and I would send some hot sun to you!!

  7. Hi...just found your delightful blog, I can so relate to the empty nest syndrome....my last one is just about to go! But, like you I am always so busy, and always still have a full house, so love this pancake recipe....visitors at the weekend, can't wait to try them! Love you to check out my blog x

  8. Looks delicious! Will have to pin this one!

  9. Never seen this! ..looks so good. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh yum! I definitely need to try this one!

  11. I love blueberry pancakes and always have fresh blueberries on hand so I am going to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!


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