Friday, May 31, 2013



There is no need to go far from my home to see the lovely wildflowers growing in the woods and along the paths. My home is on a wooded lot and these gorgeous Wild Phlox in all shades of purple and white bloom each year in mid to late May.

They bloom in abundance and fill the green of the woods with their vibrant color. There are plenty of blooms to pick for a bouquet, as well as to admire from afar.

The variation in colors is amazing. These lighter purple blossoms were found along my walking path.

There are sweet white blooms mixing with the shades of purple too.

As I was walking, I spotted these dainty yellow flowers and after some research, I think they might be a wildflower called Black Mustard. They are related to the mustard we all eat on our hotdogs.

These pretty white wildflowers were hiding in some brush at the edge of the path. I love the frilly centers and the delicate leaves. They may be Dewberry flowers, a common wildflower many think of as a weed. The leaves can be used to make tea.

Whether I am enjoying the sight of these wonderful wildflowers from my patio or as I am walking on the paths in my neighborhood, I know I am fortunate to have these gifts from nature right in my backyard.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Linking with Mockingbird Hill Cottage, Favorite Thing



  1. Free gifts within eyesight . . . very nice!

  2. I love wildflowers, there is so much beauty... free to view:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. How blessed you are to live on a wooded lot, and to have such beautiful wildflowers to enjoy. As a child our family had farm property and some of it was timber. I cherish memories of going to the woods (looking for morels) and seeing the spring wildflowers such as trillium, Dutchman's breeches, the occasional little fawn!

  4. Beautiful! I planted flox a few years back and am amazed at how big the plants have gotten this year. I plan to put in a wildflower garden at some point once the grading in the back has been done.

  5. Vicki, these are SO lovely. I see why you love them so much.



  6. Oh what a pretty set of flowers on your walk!
    All our dew berry flowers are gone and we've been enjoying the berries now for weeks.


  7. Ahh, very nice - I love wildflowers and walks through the woods. It's wonderful you have them so close.

  8. Hi Vicki,

    Visiting you via Claudia's. Wildflowers really do make me smile, and your little 'neighbours' are so sweet and cheerful. You're right; we are fortunate to have them in our gardens! Thanks for sharing!


  9. Hi Vicki

    Love the wild phlox so much that i'm letting some grow in my yard - hope they don't take over. Your shots are terrific.

  10. Wildflowers are so beautiful and such an unexpected surprise. We have that same wild phlox around out property and I love seeing it.

    Thanks so much for joining in this week.


  11. Love all these pretty wildflowers.
    Have a good week...:)

  12. We have the same beauties blooming pretty, the hillsides are purple.


  13. I love wildflowers as well. I'm always on the lookout for some free blossoms! How nice that you have those flowers nearby to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my bouquets. I appreciate you following and I'm happy to follow back!


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