Friday, May 10, 2013

Tulips Blooming on Mother's Day Weekend



In the fall, I planted a lot of tulip bulbs hoping for blooms in the spring. Slowly, but surely, first the leaves popped up, then the flower stems and buds. Now, in the past few days, the pink and yellow flowers have opened and the sight of these make me so happy. It is always amazing to me that those bulbs you lovingly plant, survive and florish, in spite of the harsh winter and the best efforts of the squirrels to dig them up. Nature really is a miracle. You can read the story of how I planted the bulbs here.

Our Mothers's Day weekend is full of activity, starting this morning. Melissa and I will be taking my mother to breakfast to celebrate an early Mother's Day with her. Saturday night, we will be going to Comerica Park for the Detroit Tiger's baseball game with my sister and brother in law - one of my favorite places to go. Then Sunday, on Mother's day, we will attend mass together and then have a delicious brunch at our club. The food there is so yummy and I will give myself permission to splurge on eggs benedict, mimosas and a dessert or two :-)

If you need a sweet treat for your mother, try my recipe for the perfect Chocolate Dipped Strawberry.

Happy Mother's Day!

A very special Mother's Day wish to my mother here in Michigan.

And to my mother in law in Florida.



  1. Sounds like a great weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy weekend celebrations and fun times! Happy Mother's Day, just for you!

  3. Oh sounds like the perfect weekend enjoy. Happy Mother's Day weekend. B

  4. Those tulips are a wonderful Mother's Day gift all by themselves. Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  5. The tulips are wonderful. I planted 50 daffodils a few years ago to have moles eat all of them. Next time I am covering them with mesh. Happy Mother's Day.

  6. Beautiful flowers and beautiful Mothers:) Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. Your tulips are lovely...happy Mother's Day to you!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. The tulips will only add to the beauty of being surrounded with family.

    Happy Mother's Day.

  9. Happy Mother's Day to you! Your tulip photos are splendid.

  10. Beautiful flowers, Vicki! Nature truly is amazing. Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Ann

  11. Happy Mothers Day Vicki..Your tulips are lovely..I guess you didn't plant them upside down :)

  12. Love the tulips! One of my favorite flowers. Glad you had a wonderful Mothers Day! And Your Mothers are beautiful!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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