Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...television, twitter, etc.



  • My daily walks are getting more interesting again, as things slowly begin to bloom. I try to take a new path every day to keep things from getting boring and I always try to be aware of my surroundings and notice what is new to see. This beautiful lilac bush started blooming yesterday and it was such a pretty sight next to the path. And, I could smell the lovely scent even before reached it.

  • A strange thing happened with my twitter account over this past weekend. When I tried to sign in, my account had been suspended and I was given the option to appeal the suspension. Well, I thought that was strange since the reasons given for suspension of an account were things like offensive language, harassing tweets, following and unfollowing excessively, etc. I knew I had not engaged in any of those things, since I mainly use the account to promote my blog posts. So, I sent an appeal and miraculously, yesterday, my account was back. No word on why it was suspended, so I will assume it was in error. Technology is so much fun to deal with :-)
  • There is a television show on PBS that I am hearing a lot of good things about and think I will give it a try on the next rainy day. Call the Midwife is set in the 1950's and follows the lives of a group of midwives in the east end of London. The first season is available on Netflix and the second season is currently airing on PBS with the current shows still available. If it is anything like my other PBS favorite Downton Abbey, I will love it.
  • Tonight is the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and I am really looking forward to seeIng what the writers have in store for us this time. You can always count on this show to provide an epic conclusion to the season with mayhem and even death of beloved characters possible. I will be ready to watch, with a glass of wine in hand.

Happy Thursday!


Linking with Ramblings of a Suburban Mom, Thursday Thoughts



  1. I love Call the Midwife. It's the same wonderful quality as Downton Abbey.

  2. Looking forward to that finale myself. B

  3. I adore the fragrance of lilacs. Ours are blooming now and I need to bring some inside to enjoy!

  4. I just picked a bouquet of lilacs for the kitchen. The fragrant smell is so intoxicating! I wish i still watched Greys Anatomy.

  5. Im a big fan of Greys Anatomy too. Look foward to it every Thursday! Have a great week Vicki and stop breaking Twitter rules. LOL!

  6. Mmmm.. I can smell them from here..Wish they lasted longer..

  7. I adore Call The Midwife. The nuns show the love and grace of God and the young nurses show the the best of the nursing profession. It is a fantastic show. Truly the Brits are doing the best TV. I am ordering the book for it is a memoir.

  8. The lilacs are finished blooming here. I miss their sweet fragrance already.

  9. Stopping in from the link up.

    Tonight I'll be watching the finale of Vampire Diaries and The Big Bang Theory. I watched Greys to start but I got out of it pretty early on. I love finale season and all the shows but then I'm sad since I have to wait so long for the resolutions. :(

  10. Lovely lilac . . . looks like a nice walking path.

    Oh my . . . something new. I will have to check out Call The Midwife.

    I have a Twitter account and never use it. Maybe I need to "up" my game . . . Happy for you that you were reinstated!

    I am thankful I have the DVR so I can tape my favorite shows when I plan to be gone, so I can watch later. Final for American Idol so that is taped too.

  11. That lilac bush is beautiful!! I think Im going to have to check out Call the sound right up my alley.

  12. Love Call the Midwife and another good one is Land Girls (set in WWII). And the funny thing about it is that my cousin in Britain just became a midwife so it's very close to home now.

  13. Beautiful Lilac Blooms:) Weird about the Twitter account! I don't even have one! Have a blessed day and enjoy your walk:) HUGS

  14. Oh the lilacs. So gorgeous. I love your blog look and your header. So pretty!

  15. This is a gorgeous photo of the lilacs. I can only imagine the heavenly scent! Enjoy your day.

  16. I love Call the Midwife. I've been recording it on DVR and watching as I can, since I haven't had a chance to watch this season much. Last season was great. The lilac bush is so pretty. One of my favorite colors and I can just imagine the wonderful scent.


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